Paris Las Vegas Hotel

View of the Paris Hotel

It was deja vu all over again.

We had visited Paris in November and now here we were at the Paris Hotel in Vegas, marveling at the fact that the Eiffel Tower looked exactly like the one we had just seen, albeit a trifle smaller. My expectations were honestly pretty low when it came to visiting a Vegas hotel for the last time. Surely it would be interesting but kitschy and maybe even (dare I say it?) tacky.

I could not have been more wrong. When we pulled up to the entrance of the hotel and saw the Eiffel Tower and the replica Arc de Triomphe, along with the beautifully designed exterior of the hotel which is reminiscent of many of the museums we saw in Europe, we realized we were in for a truly luxurious experience.

(My pics didn’t make it to the Luxury Travel Blog, so I’ll leave them here for you to see. Check HERE to read the rest of the post.)

Eiffel Tower and Facade of Hotel

Red Room at Paris Hotel

Beautiful decor!

Full disclosure: The Paris Hotel provided us with accommodations but, as always, I will share my honest opinion about any travel experiences I have.

Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , | 10 Comments

Reasons to Travel When You Are (Sorta) Old

So I was reading this blog post on GloboTreks called “Nine Reasons to Travel When you are Young” and I thought yeah, he’s right and you should travel when you are young. I wish I had been able to travel a whole lot more when I was young.

But you know what? There’s a whole bunch of reasons to travel when you are (sorta) old as well.

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Categories: Hotels, Tours | Tags: , , , | 13 Comments

Sushi Bar on Carnival Liberty

Tuna sandwich. Fried shrimp. Grilled salmon. Tilapia with a lovely lemon butter sauce. These are all seafood items I would gladly pile on my plate.

But sushi?

Not so much.

The whole idea of consuming raw fish could not have been less appealing.

Until I sailed with the Carnival Cruise Line for the first time a few years ago. Carnival has a free sushi bar on every one of their ships and it’s a very popular place to stop in and try some of this culinary delicacy. My husband is a big fan of the sushi experience and insisted that this was the perfect opportunity for me to experience this slimy and gross fish delicious culinary experience.

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Categories: Beach, Carnival Cruise | Tags: , , , , , , | 9 Comments

WordPress for Dummies – How To Save .pdf Documents Online

Now let me hasten to add that I do not think YOU  are a dummy. I AM the one who is a dummy. And also I thought I was being extremely clever with my title so I imagine MY CHAGRIN when I did a search and found this WordPress Users Group comes up when you do a search for “wordpress for dummies”.

Huh. Guess I’m not the only one.

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Categories: Wordpress | Tags: , , , , , , | 12 Comments

The Best Kept Secret in Vegas – the Las Vegas Monorail

I sat down and slid off my sandal to check on why my bare foot was hurting and there it was – a blister. Waaay too much walking. We had walked from our fabulous and classy Paris Hotel all the way to the amazing and fascinating Luxor and I couldn’t imagine walking all that way back. Then I remembered the tickets I had in my purse for the Las Vegas Monorail. Couldn’t we ride it back home to Paris – or even to Caesar’s Palace where I was supposed to do a site visit? Surely we could. But where was the station?

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Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

This is the Opposite of Writer’s Block

I don’t have writer’s block. I have…what is this…writer’s deluge? I am deluged with so many words, so many images, so many activities, so many experiences from the last few weeks that it’s hard to get them organized.

The last time I was this deluged with stories was last fall when we spent a few days in Montreal, then flew to Amsterdam and went on a wine tasting river cruise with AmaWaterways. We had never been to Montreal, to Amsterdam, to Europe or on a river cruise. Every single thing we did was a new experience that had me wanting to tell a story, then another and another and another…

Same thing here. We flew to Las Vegas, then flew to LA and went on a Disney cruise of the Pacific Northwest and ended with a few days in Vancouver. We had never been to Vegas, never cruised with Disney, never been to Vancouver…I’m overwhelmed again.

I have flown over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter, tasted freshly baked bread in an old bakery in North Beach in San Francisco, relished the largest suite I have ever experienced on a cruise ship, marveled at the 4D theatre in the Vancouver Aquarium and returned home with a nasty cold, courtesy of an unknown stranger in Vancouver. Thankyouverymuch.

I just submitted an article to a major magazine for the very first time. Hopefully, they will use it.

I have created a list of the story ideas I need to start on.

It has 23 ideas on it.


I just thought of another one.

Give me some time.

I’ll get them all written.

Categories: Disney Cruise, Hotels, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Tours, Vancouver | Tags: , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Everything I Know About Fashion, I Learned At T. J. Maxx

Is there anyplace more completely fabulous than T.J. Maxx? Where else can you find a kicky, hot pink bracelet, the perfect discontinued eyeshadow, last season’s still charming mauve purse and the perfect black cashmere cardigan all in one location? And for great prices?

However, T.J. Maxx is not the perfect mistress. She is a difficult, exacting mistress who requires time and dedication. She is not to be visited lightly with only a few minutes to spare. She will not be toyed with. Much like the rest of we fashion divas.

But the rewards make all that time spent digging through racks of clothes and trying on top after top after top until you find the perfectly fitted, azure wonder worthwhile. The Maxx has some fashion lessons for us. Some important fashion life lessons. Read carefully. Then apply at your local store.

Read the rest of this article at The Savvy Gal.

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Burgers and Shakes and Fries, Oh My! Visiting Holsteins in Vegas For The First Time.

Holsteins (Cosmopolitan) on Urbanspoon

It wasn’t until after we had both taken a huge bite of our completely delicious burgers that I realized I should take a picture so we could show you how truly delicious they were. So, here. DELICIOUS burger. With only one bite out it. Hey, you’re lucky we managed to stop there.

You are saying Yum right now, aren’t you?

If you want to experience the same deliciousness, you need to pop in to Holsteins Burgers and Shakes in the Cosmopolitan on Las Vegas Boulevard for lunch or dinner. From the Paris Hotel and Casino where we were staying, the Cosmopolitan was an easy walk, so we headed there for lunch on our first day in Vegas. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the name but thought burgers, fries, shakes – how could we go wrong? You won’t go wrong if you eat here.

In fact, you couldn’t go MORE RIGHT.

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Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments

Vegas Virgins: Seeing Sin City for the First Time

When we stepped out of the plane in Vegas and saw people sitting at slot machines in the terminal, we knew we had truly traveled to another world. One where travelers could disembark from a plane, set down their suitcases and begin frantically feeding quarters into the one-armed bandits. We were not those people. We were the people who gathered up our luggage and headed to the Vegas strip where we were just a trifle overwhelmed by the scope of it all. We were the people who came down from our room early on Easter Sunday and were shocked SHOCKED, I tell you, to see people in the casino gambling! and drinking! and heaven knows what else! We? We were Vegas Virgins. But not any more. Here is what we have learned while we have been here. More reports to come.

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Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

What is this “duty-free” of which you speak?

Until I went on a Caribbean cruise on the Carnival Liberty recently with a bunch of girlfriends I always thought “duty-free” was a bunch of hooey. Yes, I said hooey. Now I’ll go get out my walking stick and go get one of them new-fangled perms all the gals are talking about. And I think I might have just lost the point I was trying to make by using the word “new-fangled”.

I thought “duty-free” was just another excuse to get all those vacationers into the shops to stuff their shopping bags full of items that could be had back home for roughly the same price. Y’all? I was wrong.

This is the first cruise where I have actually gone to one of those shopping talks they have before they embark at a port. Previously, I had traveled with my husband who was about as interested in shopping as he is in packing a rabid marmoset into his suitcase. So, really? Not very interested.

I have always shopped when we were vacationing because well. I have always shopped. Do I really need to clarify? But I basically just wandered around, going where I wanted and buying what I wanted. I always ended up with nice things but I was apparently shopping the wrong way. This right here? This is the right way.

Read the rest of this post on The Savvy Gal HERE.


Categories: Beach | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment