Irresistible Ireland

We were determined not to be slack-jawed Americans, who stare at the unfamiliar in Ireland in incredible awe – we fail. But this was different. This was incredible. This was a castle. We stood outside the hotel and tried to be cool and calm and not let anyone know that inside we were as giddy as school kids at the thought that we were going to be staying and sleeping in an actual castle.

Dromoland Castle is actually an ancient castle which has been converted into a luxury hotel. We should have suspected how fabulous it would be as we drove through the stone gateway and wound through gorgeous acres of lush grass, saw the green rolling hills of the world-class golf course and beautiful, old trees covered with gold and copper fall leaves, but it was as we pulled up to the ivy-covered front of the gray stone walled castle that we realized this could very well be the highlight of our trip.

This is the first article in a new magazine I am writing for called “Senior Living“, which is out of Vancouver. You can read the rest of the article in a .pdf HERE.

Categories: Hotels, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Two + Years of Traveling the World

Pyramids of school supplies are starting to appear everywhere I go and many of my teacher friends are already back at work. And I have not one, teeny tiny regret that one of those busy teachers is not me. Two years ago, about this time, I walked out of my school librarian job of twenty years without a backward look (OK, maybe one – twenty years is a long time) to begin a new career as a travel writer.

In reality, I had no idea what I was doing. I loved to write. I loved to travel. That was about the extent of my plans for my future career. I had been hired by a travel agency but there was no money involved; just the vague promise of possibly free travel.

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And Now the Negative Side of the Disney Wonder One Bedroom Concierge Suite

The first inkling that our marvelous suite on the Disney Wonder was not going to be all that was when we set sail. Prior to that, we had milled around our stateroom, relishing the comfortable furnishings, the fabulous two bathrooms, the two flat-screen TVs, and the great view from our verandah. Then came the requisite tour of the boat to get our bearings.

Wait. I’m lying there. The boat tour is for my husband to get his bearings. I never actually get my bearings on a ship. I just blithely follow him around like a lost puppy. I invariably turn the wrong way getting off the elevator, have no idea where our restaurant is located and, once when I went back to the stateroom on another cruise to get something, I probably never would have found the pool where he was waiting if I hadn’t asked for help.  At any event, then there was the lifeboat drill and, finally, we set sail. After watching L.A. fade in the distance, we went back to our stateroom to get ready for dinner.

It was at this point that we noticed a little creaking and groaning in our stateroom. Apparently, all that wood veneer was rubbing together as the boat moved and it was complaining. Loudly. It was a little disconcerting but we assumed it was just because we were getting away and, once we got to calm seas, the noise would stop.

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Categories: Disney Cruise | Tags: , , , , , , | 11 Comments

First Impressions of Disney Wonder: One Bedroom Concierge Suite

After fabulous, fabulous Vegas, we headed out on a Disney cruise of the Pacific Northwest. We were mostly thrilled to be returning to San Francisco, one of our favorite places, but we also love that coast and were very interested to visit Vancouver for the first time. This same cruise from LA to Vancouver is also offered by Disney in the spring of 2012.

When we originally planned to add a few days in Vegas on to our itinerary, I fretted about how we were going to get from Vegas to LA, where we would board the Disney Wonder. Who knew it was so indescribably cheap to fly from Vegas to LA? Our tickets were roughly $30 each – probably the cheapest airline tickets I had ever bought.

I was also undecided about whether to fly into LAX or Long Beach and, let me just tell you, if you are ever trying to make this decision you should choose the Long Beach airport. It was so super easy to fly into this small airport, stroll over to pick up our luggage, then casually walk out front and grab a cab. Compared to the huge, overwhelming, city-like LAX, it was heaven.

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Categories: Disney Cruise, Quebec, San Francisco, Vancouver, Vancouver | Tags: , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

The Quite Amazing Viva Elvis by Cirque du Soleil Show

We both leaned forward instinctively, horrified to think the performers in bright super hero costumes were falling to the stage, certain to be hurt, maybe even killed. Then they bounced into the air and landed agilely right back where they has started, only to do it again and again, landing back on the platform and even, incredibly, hanging onto the walls for a few seconds.

We were at the Viva Elvis by Cirque du Soleil show at Aria in Las Vegas and we were trying not to sit with our mouths hanging open as the Cirque du Soleil performers went through the most incredible acrobatics we had ever seen. The superhero sequence that had us so enthralled was an ode to Elvis’ love of comic books and the rest of the show presented a series of vignettes that portrayed his life. We have never seen another Cirque du Soleil show, but this one was simply incredible. The sets were amazing, the dancing was excellent, the singing was fantastic and the costumes were quite fabulous.

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Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Pony Up and Find the Perfect Hairstyle

The other night, my husband came home and declared gently (he is a wise man) that it might be nice to see a hairstyle other than a pony tail on my head. Instead of getting annoyed, I sagely nodded my (pony tailed) head and figured I was lucky he was not mentioning the ubiquitous sleeping pants and tee shirt ensemble.

Because he was right.

A couple of years ago, I decided I wanted long hair again – long, long hair like I used to have in high school and college. I love it. And so does he. But it does require a bit of a time investment. And with all the exercise classes, diligently writing away on articles such as this one and a teensy bit of shopping, lunches out and drinks with the girls, that time is not always available. However, I do occasionally come up with a different hairstyle – and have made a little more effort to do so for him once in a while instead of just when heading out the door for lunch with the girls. So, here’s what I do with the long mop of hair I have hanging down my back.

Read the rest of this post at The Savvy Gal HERE.

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The Engineering Marvel That is the Hoover Dam:Part Two

You know how some people are just incompetent at putting things together? That they can look at any of a number of tools and have absolutely no idea what they are or how to use them? That they might just possibly put together a high chair for their grandchild, feel totally smug, and then look at it and realize they have the footrest on the back of the high chair?

Yes. That would be me.

Now, take that description, turn it completely backwards and you have my husband, Tom. Let me just put it to you this way. When the zombie apocalypse comes? He’s the guy you totally want on your team. He could kill zombies, fix anything and construct anything – all without breaking a sweat. So, needless to say, he was all about seeing Hoover Dam.

As I mentioned in my first post about our visit, he was the one excited about this part of our trip to Vegas but when we actually got there, I was almost as excited. Almost.

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Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

La cuisine est délicieuse à La Crêperie

La Creperie (Paris) on Urbanspoon

I seriously hope you are impressed by the fact that the title of this post is in French, even though I might possibly have had to use Babylon to get the translation.

OK. I did.

However, I still do retain a modicum of the French I took in high school and college; enough that someone at the airport in France actually thought I was French until he lost me with a long and convoluted explanation about trains or possibly sheep and maybe I should brush up on my French before we go to France next time.

Anyway, that says…wait for it…the food is delicious at La Creperie. And it totally was.

One of the best meals we had in Vegas was not actually in a restaurant, was very reasonably priced, and was so good that I am thinking about at this very moment and my mouth is watering. La Creperie is a tiny little place, tucked away on the right side of the tunnel-like promenade that leads from the Paris Hotel to Bally’s Hotel next door. It’s actually just a window that opens back into a wee little kitchen where they whip up the best crepes you have ever tasted. There’s a big area right next door with plenty of tables and chair and you can also slip in and use the tables and chairs on the patio at the restaurant next door in the morning when they are closed.

Order crepes here and you will never be sorry.

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Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

A Day in Danville, Kentucky

Once a week, I hop in my car and make the 45-minute drive to Danville to visit my mom. Since I live on the south side of town, it’s easiest for me to just get on the Bluegrass, get off at the Harrodsburg exit, take the bypass around Harrodsburg and end up just outside Danville. I don’t mind the trip at all – I enjoy spending time with my mom and Danville has a lot to offer for a day trip.

One of the first things I always do when I arrive or on my way out of town is drop by Burke’s Bakery. I’m not sure how long Burke’s has been in Danville but I know they were there in the early 70’s when I was the Children’s Librarian at the Danville Public Library and the cakes, cookies and doughnuts are just as delicious as they were back then. Homemade, fresh and wonderful, they are well worth a stop on Main Street. Burke’s is one of the few places that don’t take debit or credit cards, so make sure you bring your cash with you. But you won’t need much; their prices are surprisingly reasonable.

Read the rest of this article from “Ky Doc” Magazine’s June/July 2011 issue HERE.

Categories: Kentucky, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The Engineering Marvel That is the Hoover Dam:Part One

We looked up at the huge dam towering above us, quite magnificent against the bright blue sky, and simply marveled at it. We had just seen one of the most incredible natural feats of nature, the Grand Canyon, by helicopter, from a raft,and from the Skywalk and, even though this dam paled in comparison to the huge canyon carved out by the Colorado River over hundreds of years, it was still dam impressive.

Sorry. Had to do it.

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Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , | 12 Comments