Zoetry Paraiso de la Bonita – Paradise in Riviera Maya, Mexico

Aerial view of the resort.

Step into the marble-floored lobby of Zoetry Paraiso de la Bonita in Riviera Maya, Mexico. The Mexican-themed, adobe colored walls are open to the salt-scented breeze off the turquoise ocean. The fountain murmurs gently and, surrounded by eclectic artwork from around the world purchased by the well-traveled owners, you find all your worries begin to drift away.

You have nothing to worry about once you have arrived at this fabulous, all-inclusive, luxury resort. If you think you have experienced luxury before, you are going to find a whole new level of luxury here. When it’s time to leave, you will try to figure out a way to stay a few more days – or possibly for the rest of your life.

Read the rest of this article on Examiner.com HERE.
Categories: Beach, Hotels, Resorts, Spa | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

What NOT To Give Your Sweetie For Christmas

Every magazine I pick up recently has articles about what to give your girlfriend/fiancé/wife for Christmas. Beautiful, glittering piles of decadent chocolates, imaginatively scented soaps, exquisite jewelry and exotic trinkets like a bejeweled iPhone case sparkle enticingly from the pages. Most of the plunder is ridiculously overpriced, completely impractical and not something you would ever use in your lifetime.

Except the chocolates, of course. You can never go wrong with chocolates.

So what should you get your beloved one? Actually … I don’t have a clue.

Read the rest of this article on The Savvy Gal HERE.

Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

The Red Coach Inn, Niagara Falls

A version of this article also appeared on Examiner.com HERE.

The same article without photos appeared on A Luxury Travel Blog HERE.


It was the huge jacuzzi tub that captivated me. Everything else about this completely fabulous suite at the Red Coach Inn in Niagara Falls was overwhelmingly wonderful, but after a long day of travel, envisioning that luxuriant jacuzzi tub filled with hot water and bubbles absolutely made my day.

After a friendly welcome at the front desk, we were shown to our room and helped with our luggage. To our surprise, we headed not up the stairs but out the front door and down the brick sidewalk to another entrance.

Sidewalk in front of The Red Coach Inn.


Entrance to our suite. There were other suites in there as well.

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Categories: Hotels, New York, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Citadel, Halifax, Nova Scotia

When I heard that The Citadel in Halifax was a restored fort, I have to admit I was not all that thrilled about seeing it.


That was before I saw this.

Citadel sentry.

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Categories: NCL Cruise, Tours | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments

Eating Our Way Around Portland, Maine with Maine Foodie Tours

Portland, Maine was definitely not putting her best foot forward. The Norwegian Jewel had pulled into port in an icy, driving rain and things were not improving at all. Skies were dark gray and the rain was not letting up, literally throwing cold water on our hopes of a lovely day for our culinary walking tour. With visions of whoopie pies and artisanal cheeses dancing in our heads, we put on our coats, pulled up our hoods and prepared to brave the elements.

Because we will do pretty much anything for food.

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Categories: Foodie Tour, NCL Cruise, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Just One More Story

There it was.

The eye glaze.

The hidden watch glance, the almost imperceptible sigh, the shifting in the seat, the beginning of the polite dismissal.

I was going into way too much detail again in my travel story-telling. But the waterfall/food/sunset/sail had been so wonderful! I had to tell every, single, tiny detail. Every.one.

Whether they wanted to hear it or not.

For years, there was audio storytelling. Family, friends, strangers in line – glancing at my shirt purchased at an exotic location oh have you been there yes, let me tell you allabouteverything in excruciating detail quickly before you can escape – most were very patient, some were actually quite interested. Perhaps in not quite that much detail, but interested.

Then the Internet came along.

Why, yes. Yes, I am approximately 5,391 years old.

The sound of a dial-up modem?

Yes. I knew it well.

I dove into the Internet with the zeal of a religious convert being baptized in a hidden creek and quickly mastered the art of web design, creating web pages for my school and my library media center, adding an online curriculum, being invited to speak at international conferences and then, when planning an Alaskan cruise I realized.

I could write about my travels on the Internet.

Blogs had not been invented yet.

Yes. 5,391 years old.

So I created web pages about my trip and had friends and family members following along as I created web pages, photos and stories about our trip as we traveled. The wonder! I spent way too many hours and way too much money on an Internet connection on the ship so I could tell about what we were doing.

Then came blogging and a personal blog, a blog for the newspaper and finally picture me slapping my forehead and a light bulb coming on over my head a travel blog.

Now I can write about those details, every single one of them. I can share the zeal, the enthusiasm, the excitement of a trip in great detail. With photos and links and even more details.

And nobody’s eyes glaze over.

Or at least.

I can’t see them if they do.

Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: | 7 Comments

The Bay of Fundy, Saint John

I’m just going to be honest and tell you that I would not have one, single photo for this post if it was up to me because I spent the entire time with my white-knuckled fingers clutching either the seat or, as we pitched forward, the railings. Luckily, my husband Tom has no problem with rough water and spent the entire trip with one foot braced on the side of the boat, clicking away with his camera.

This is precisely why I take him along on trips.

That and the fact that he likes great food just as much as I do and has no problem spending a great deal of time trying to determine just which is the best possible cannoli in Little Italy, New York.

A worthy quest.

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Categories: NCL Cruise, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Drenched and Exhilarated on The Maid of the Mist

Anticipating a light mist – after all the name of the boat is The Maid of the Mist – I was shocked to get a spray in the face from the falls that would have drenched me from head to foot if I hadn’t been wearing the provided slicker. I thought those were just for show. They are absolutely not. You’re gonna wanna wear that thing.

The first thing on our to-do list when we began planning a few days in Niagara Falls was a cruise on the world famous Maid of the Mist. Honestly, we didn’t know much about the cruise except that it got right up close to the falls and that sounded pretty good to us.

View of the falls from the scenic overlook.

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Categories: New York, Tours | Tags: , , | 6 Comments

Five Fabulous iPad Apps for Kids

With resignation and love, I cleaned off the front of my iPad with my sleeve. My 6-year old grandson had just stopped by for a visit and one of his favorite things is playing on my iPad. Consequently, it’s covered with fingerprints and unidentifiable substances when he leaves.

He had no problem mastering the swipe across the screen the first time he picked it up and might just possibly be better at navigating Netflix than I am. I know for a fact that he is better at Angry Birds, since I’m not even sure what those frakin’ birds are angry about.

The iPad is a master baby-sitter as well as a wonderful educational tool and he spent hours happily watching movies with the headphones on at our beach house in Tybee Island this summer. Made things fabulously easy for all the adults, since he woke up way earlier than we wanted to even think about rising.

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Categories: Travel with Children | Tags: , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Ember Room, New York

Ember Room on Urbanspoon

I spun around on my bar stool and checked my watch again, then scanned the lovely interior of the Ember Room Restaurant. Filled with warm, golden light in the dusk of a New York evening, it was very appealing and I couldn’t wait to taste some of the food that was filling the air with luscious smells.

She was late. I was getting concerned. My husband and I had tickets to see “Jersey Boys” and we had planned to have drinks with a PR friend that I was meeting in person for the first time. Drinks, conversation, dinner and then a walk to the theater – I was really starting to get concerned now. She must be running late, she had forgotten, she was at the wrong place – all these excuses ran through my head.

Finally, I pulled up her email address on my iPhone and clicked on the phone number link at the bottom of her last message – seriously, how did we live before iPhones – and she answered instantly. No, she was not late, had not forgotten, nor was she at the wrong place.

I had the wrong night.

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Categories: New York, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , | 5 Comments