Nolita (North of Little Italy), New York City

Check out my review of the Nolitan Hotel on my site HERE.

Apparently, we ate a lot when we were in New York, judging from the photos I just sorted through. There are an exorbitant number of photos of food, places to purchase food, and restaurants. This should not surprise you, if you have been reading this blog for long.

Exhibit A. And yes, it was just as good as it looks.


Of COURSE you want to know where we bought it. Right here.

After a stop in Niagara Falls, we headed to the Big Apple for a couple of days before we began our fabulous cruise of Canada and New England on the Norwegian Jewel. I did a lot of research before our trip and decided to stay at the lovely Nolitan Hotel, which is located in Nolita, New York.

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Merry Christmas from Wanderlustwonder!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone who reads my blog. I appreciate each and every one of you so very much. This has been a wonderful year for me as a travel blogger; I have learned so much and your support in the form of emails, comments, Stumbles, Tweets, etc. has been invaluable.

I have lots of travel plans in the works for 2012 and am anxiously awaiting replies to lots of emails about other trip plans. It’s going to be another wonderful travel year and I hope you will follow along. Thanks again for all your support. Have a wonderful and safe holiday season with your family and friends!

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Why A Caribbean Cruise is the Perfect Girlfriends Getaway

I lolled back in my pool side lounge chair, opened my eyes, glanced out at the navy blue strip of ocean I could view through the railing slipping silently past as we cruised to our next gorgeous Caribbean port, and lazily mulled over whether to apply more sunscreen, move into the shade, or possibly just go visit the soft serve ice cream dispenser.

Then I checked out what my girlfriends were doing. One was deeply involved in reading a novel on her Kindle, another was swimming laps in the pool, two were having an animated conversation about what to wear to dinner and one, I noted jealously, had already been to the soft serve ice cream dispenser and was happily spooning up chocolate ice cream.

Read the rest of this article on Travelhoppers HERE.

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I’m Featured on BlogHer!


Check it out! I’m featured in the BlogHer spotlight this morning. Nice early Christmas present, huh?


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My Around-the-World Christmas Tree

When my husband and I went on our first big trip, I had never thought about buying Christmas tree ornaments while traveling. I was too thrilled to be on an actual cruise ship, headed to tropical locations I had only dreamed about in the past. Even though I had technically been a traveler my whole life since my dad was in the Marine Corps, most of our vacations included heading back to the mountains of Kentucky or the beaches of Pensacola to visit family. Fun, but hardly the globe-trekking I yearned for.

It wasn’t until I noticed a little, lifesaver ring Christmas ornament in a shop in Key West and thought how cute it would be on my tree that an idea was born. And so the travel Christmas tree ornament buying tradition had begun. Much to my husband’s chagrin.

Oh, I kid.

He’s fine with carting home tiny little Eiffel Towers and painted seashells and other sparkly things that catch my fancy. Or at least he doesn’t complain which is basically the same thing, right?

So, let’s take a little trip around my Christmas tree and let me show you some of my ornaments, although I will spare you a trip to the kitchen where I have magnets covering my fridge because yes, I am that person who buys magnets and Christmas tree ornaments when I am traveling. In case you have ever seen either of those things in a shop and wondered who in the world would buy something like that. Now you know. That would be me.

I’m sure my children will be thrilled someday when I am gone and they are divvying up the magnets and Christmas tree ornaments and it’s like no, you take the magnet from the aquarium in Seattle and the windmill ornament from Amsterdam no, please, I’m begging you to take it. Seriously. I will pay you to take that magnet bottle opener from Vegas. I will pay you. I know they can’t wait.

In the meantime, I enjoy all my junkie little magnets and ornaments – they may be junk but they are my junk and I like them.

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Peggy’s Cove, Halifax, Nova Scotia

I was so proud.

Looking back from gazing over the peaceful harbor, I could see my husband, Tom, with his hand on the shoulder of an older man with a cane. They were both way out on the granite boulders which lined the shore of Peggy’s Cove and the lighthouse that perched right on the edge of the shore.

How kind he was to help this older gentleman, who must have been struggling on the treacherous and slippery rocks! There was even a sign that warned about this very situation.

You do NOT want to mess with the rocks at Peggy's Cove.

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Categories: NCL Cruise, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , | 14 Comments

Choose a Real Castle For Your Next Stay: Dromoland Castle, Ireland

Drive through the stone gateway of historic Dromoland Castle, a luxury 5 star hotel, in Ireland and winding through gorgeous acres of lush grass, you will see the green rolling hills of the world-class golf course and beautiful, majestic trees. As you pull up to the ivy-covered front of the gray stone walled castle, your excitement will begin to build because you are going to actually stay in a real castle.

Dromoland Castle is one of the most famous baronial castles in Ireland and was the ancestral home of the O’Briens, Barons of Inchiquin. The Queen Anne Court was built in 1700 with 29 guestrooms and is a century older than the rest of the castle, which was rebuilt in 1800 with stone from a nearby quarry on the Dromoland Estate. In 1962 the castle and part of the grounds were sold and converted into a luxury hotel but the O’Brien family retained a home and part of the estate and continue to live there.

Read the rest of this article on HERE.

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I Have Travel Writer ADD

On any given morning, I take my Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper – we all get our caffeine fixes in our own way, thankyouverymuch – in my Tervis cup with lots of ice because we Southerners are all about lots of ice and settle down in front of my computer, all prepared to get a ton of work done.

And when I made that link for the Tervis Cup because I love them so much not because Tervis gave me a free cup, I accidentally typed in Tevis Cup and did you know there actually is a Tevis Cup and it’s the Official site of the world’s best known and most difficult Equestrian Endurance Ride and this is how I often get distracted.

But I have great intentions.

Great, great intentions.

But you all know what the road to hell is paved with.

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The Uber-Modern Movenpick Hotel in Amsterdam

The unusual and beautiful Movenpick Hotel in Amsterdam.

At first glance, the Movenpick Hotel in Amsterdam looks like a pile of children’s blocks placed neatly in a pile by the side of the river Lj. Angular, modern, stark against the gray fall sky, the modernistic beauty is amazing. Conveniently located only a couple of blocks from Central Station, it’s an easy walk or very quick cab ride, but the hotel also provides a free shuttle by prior arrangement. From Central station, you can take buses or trains all over Amsterdam or even head out into the Netherlands or other countries. Directly behind Central Station is Dam Square with plenty of shopping and great restaurants and beside it is the notorious Red Light District of Amsterdam.

Read the rest of this article on HERE.

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Mmmmm….Cheese! Cheese Tasting at the Reypenaer Tasting Room in Amsterdam

First clue that you are in the Netherlands.

Last year at this time, we had just returned from a wine-tasting river cruise from Amsterdam to Paris with Amawaterways. We had never been to Europe, never been on a river cruise and never made friends while traveling that we would actually keep as friends once we returned home.

We stopped in Montreal, Quebec for a few days on our way to break up the flights and fell in love with old Montreal, then added time in Amsterdam and Paris as well so it was a good, long, quite fabulous and incomparable trip. We absolutely fell in love with river cruising and recommend it highly. You can actually listen to a radio interview I did about the cruise here, if you are so inclined.

I wrote thousands and thousands of words about the trip, most of which disappeared into the cobwebbed and inaccessible Interweb basement when the travel company I was working for deleted the blog. A few posts survived that we quickly saved and those I wrote in print were also saved but the rest…are gone. It’s sort of heart-breaking because it was so much work and so many memories. At least we have all our thousands of photos to help us reminisce. This is one of the posts that I managed to save that I thought you might enjoy because seriously? Who does not like cheese? I may add others as I find them, call up the memories as I sort through pictures, and find things I think you might like.

We stepped out of one of the ubiquitous Amsterdam canal boats onto the cobblestone path which ran beside the scenic canal. Many-leveled warehouses with big, shuttered windows which had been converted to homes and apartments overlooked the canal and hundreds of bikes – the transportation of choice in Amsterdam – lined the streets. But we didn’t pay much attention to these uniquely Amsterdam sights because we were on a mission. A cheese-tasting mission.

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Categories: Amsterdam, Foodie Tour, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , | 7 Comments