An All-Inclusive Dream at Dreams Puerto Vallarta Resort and Spa, Mexico

Dreams Puerto Vallarta Resort and Spa

Walk quickly past the dozens of timeshare sellers at the Puerto Vallarta airport, not acknowledging their spiels with a comment, because you are about to experience a stay at one of the nicest all-inclusive resorts in the area, with Unlimited Luxury where everything is included in the price you have already paid for your getaway.

The best thing about Dreams Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa is the completely private beach, enclosed at each end by scenic rock cliffs which shelter the little bay in which the resort is nestled. Or the best thing might possibly be the spacious and luxurious rooms and suites, many of which have balconies overlooking that same scenic and idyllic little beach. Ask for an ocean view room with a Jacuzzi on the balcony, fill your Jacuzzi with cool water and lounge in it as you sip a beverage from your mini-bar (all of which are included in your price and are constantly replenished as you consume them) and realize you have truly arrived in paradise.

Read the rest of this article at HERE.

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A Gold Ribbon on the Toilet Paper

Golden sparkles of light on turquoise waves were visible through the sliding glass doors of our gorgeous hotel room at the Dreams Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa as we dropped our suitcases inside the door and began to set our internal clocks to Mexico time.

Slow, sultry, and relaxed. Where everything was no problem. And it’s always a good day to sleep in.

Tom grabbed an icy Corona out of the mini-fridge and I popped into the bathroom to check it out. I was marveling at the lovely amenities package when I saw it.

The toilet paper had been neatly tucked into a point at the end and a slender gold ribbon was elegantly tied around it in a perky, tiny bow. I looked at that gold ribbon tied around the toilet paper and thought just how fabulous is that and was taken aback at the fact that we were in this wonderful room overlooking a gorgeous beach in a luxurious and all-inclusive resort. How great is my life?

I keep telling people that, at some point, I’m going to become jaded with travel. I’ll get tired of packing and airports and airplanes and hotels and restaurant meals and tours and unpacking. I’m sure it’s going to happen.

But now I love travel. I love everything about it. I love the turmoil at airports, the long flights, eating cross-legged from a room service tray on the bed, the first look out a hotel window to see our view, the singular and pleasant smell of a spa, the feel of beach sand on winter-white toes, seeing a place I have only read about in books, exchanging a look with my husband that eloquently says can you believe we are here?

But when eventually, at some point in the future,  I walk into a luxurious and fabulous hotel room and sigh because I have been there and done that I’m going to remember how I felt at that moment in Mexico.

How enchanted. How giddy with excitement. How everything was new and wonderfully beautiful and we had days and days of adventure and new experiences ahead of us.

How that gold ribbon made me feel.

And I hope I can recapture that feeling.

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Forward all my mail to Condo #4759 Westwinds, Sandestin, Florida. IF ONLY.

I probably should have been more impartial.

When Visit South Walton so kindly sent me a list of resorts and hotels willing to have me stay for a few days (seriously, so kind of everyone) for a Girlfriends Getaway with my sister and SIL, one name jumped out at me. Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort.

There were beautiful beach houses and hotels on the list in several of the other 15 gorgeous beach neighborhoods of South Walton. I seriously considered one huge and fabulous beach house that had four bedrooms even though we technically only needed three because well.

It was huge and fabulous.

Then my eyes strayed back to Sandestin again and I began justifying that choice. My sister had never seen it. Even though my SIL and I had been there before, we would be staying in a completely different area from last time when we stayed near the Village of Baytowne Wharf and we would have an incredible view and…

Then I realized I didn’t have to justify anything to myself. It was pretty obvious. I wanted to go back to Sandestin because I quite simply love Sandestin.

And the decision was made.

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Categories: Beach, Destin, Florida, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, Resorts | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments

The Marlin Grill, Village of Baytown Wharf, Sandestin, Florida

Marlin Grill on Urbanspoon


When I was a little girl, my grandmother lived in Pensacola, Florida. To me, Pensacola was the perfect vacation destination and I remember driving over the bridge out to Santa Rosa island with the smell of salt air blowing in through our open windows and getting that first glimpse of sugar-white, soft sand and emerald water. I’m telling you this to evoke a memory but also so you will understand that I know good seafood. I have been eating shrimp bought from fishermen who caught it a few hours earlier my whole life. So I know good seafood.

And when I tell you that the grouper I ate at the Marlin Grill was the best I have ever tasted in my entire life, you will know that it must be the truth.

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Categories: Beach, Destin, Florida, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, Resorts, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , | 5 Comments

56 Buttercup Street, A Little Slice of Heaven at the Watercolor Inn & Resort, Florida

You know what’s better than staying at a fabulous beach house in one of the most gorgeous beach areas in the world, eating completely delicious food, shopping until you drop and relaxing on the beach with two of your favorite people in the world?

Staying at two different and equally fabulous locations, that’s what.

After three nights at our lovely, lovely beach house at one of our new favorite places, the Watercolor Inn & Resort, we moved to one of our other favorite places, the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort. You may remember that my SIL and I took a quick trip to Sandestin last summer where we were completely wowed by the fabulousness that is this resort. You can read my posts here and here about how we fell in love with Sandestin and how we ate an absolutely delicious meal at Bistro Bijoux. Honestly, how can you not fall in love with a place that has the world’s largest fishing lure?

I even wrote a magazine article about our trip and wished that I was not limited to 500 words because I could have written more like 5,000 about the lovely South Walton beach area. That’s why the blog is nice; I can just go on and on and on. Oh, you know you love it.

I’m going to tell you all about our stay at Sandestin but first I want to tell you about our wonderful beach house on Buttercup Street at the Watercolor Inn & Resort.

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Shopping is Serious Business: A Day at Silver Sands Factory Stores

When we were first married, my husband and I were visiting my grandmother (coincidentally, she lived in Pensacola, right near the South Walton beaches area of Florida where I am now) and she kindly took our rather poverty afflicted selves out to dinner one night. We went to a seafood buffet where my husband proceeded to fill and overfill his plate with the delicious local seafood and a variety of other items. My grandmother looked at his plate and asked, rather sardonically, if he was sure he had enough food. He looked at her calmly and said “Eating is serious business”.

This is precisely how I feel about shopping. Well, maybe not precisely because it’s also a blast. I adore shopping. Clothes shopping, shoe shopping, purse shopping, makeup shopping – I’m even one of those people that actually enjoys grocery shopping.

So you can imagine how I felt when I visited this area last and realized there was a HUGE factory outlet mall here. Honestly, I used to think that factory outlet malls were not that big a deal and you could probably get the same prices at any old mall.

Wrong. There are some really incredible deals to be had at the Silver Sands Factory Stores. And I am here to tell you that we might possibly have, between the three of us, taken advantage of every single one of them. My SIL, my sister and I are all what you might call serious shoppers. My sister might possibly have come home with four pairs of shoes.

Oh, of course she did.

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Categories: Beach, Destin, Florida, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, Resorts | 6 Comments

Swimming and Sunning at the Watercolor Inn & Resort

I'm taking the advice of this sign at our fabulous beach house at the Watercolor Inn & Resort.

I should probably feel a trifle guilty that it’s going to be in the 30’s at home tonight. I probably should.
But I am way too busy doing this to even think about being guilty.

Why, yes. Yes, that IS me in the heated pool at the Watercolor Inn.

Categories: Beach, Florida, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, Resorts | Tags: , , , | 4 Comments

The Auberge Bonaparte Hotel in Montreal, Canada

The Auberge Bonaparte Hotel (photo courtesy of

Turn down the Rue St-Francois-Xavier in Old Montreal and you could be forgiven for thinking you are in the middle of Paris. The beautiful, carved stone buildings. The cobblestone streets. The view of the river wending through the city. But as you drive down this quiet lane, look carefully or you will miss one of the treasures of Old Montreal. The Auberge Bonaparte Hotel is tucked neatly away on this street and is an experience not to be missed.

Read the rest of this article on my site HERE.

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All the Cool Kids are Doing It: A 2011 Retrospective

This has been a truly, truly wonderful year.

It didn’t start out that way.

Sometime last January, I got punched in the stomach with the news that the travel company I was writing for was doing away with the travel blog I had painstakingly designed and maintained for almost two years. Not only did they decide to do away with it, they did it almost overnight, with little warning, and I lost any writing I had not backed up – which, unfortunately, meant most of it. Trips of a lifetime to places like Ireland, the Hawaiian Islands and a wine tasting river cruise of Europe were wiped out in a moment, with only our hundreds of photos and memories left to tell the story, along with a few desperately and frantically copied posts before the blog went dark.

Not only that, they also cut off my company email even before they deleted the blog so any travel contact information I had was also gone. They were completely unresponsive to requests to allow me to get to my writing or my contact information.

I had to face it – that relationship was over.

In Amsterdam before I knew the blog was about to be obliterated.

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Categories: Beach, BlogHer, Caribbean, Destin, Disney Cruise, Florida, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, NCL Cruise, New York, Resorts, Restaurant Reviews, San Francisco, Tours, Vancouver | Tags: | 6 Comments

Destination:Destin. Yes, AGAIN.

I thought I might be able to squeeze just one more trip into 2011 but it looks like my Girlfriends Getaway to the Emerald Coast is going to bump right over into 2012. And seriously, how fabulous is the name of that area of Florida? But appropriate when you consider the color of the gorgeous Gulf of Mexico along that beach.

This trip is not quite as spontaneous as the one that I took in August with about three minutes of planning time, but almost. Complications and personal lives of my fellow travelers had me waiting to attempt to book a trip right up to the last few days, but thanks to the lovely folks at Visit South Walton, the Watercolor Resort and the Sandestin Resort, we are good to go.

View from a balcony at the Watercolor Inn and Resort.

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Categories: Beach, Destin, Florida, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, Resorts, Restaurant Reviews, Spa | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments