The Verde Canyon Railroad, Clarkdale, Arizona

I lounged back on the comfy loveseat and popped a chocolate brownie in my mouth. I was lazily relaxed with a sumptuous spread of food on the table before me and someone was strolling around taking drink orders. I could not be more comfortable.

This is the way to travel. On a train.

Seriously. Why can't airplanes be like this?

No tiny airline seats with someone smushed up against you. No eensy aisles to maneuver, careful not to bang into anyone’s elbow or protruding foot. No dried up peanuts eaten while hunched over a tray that might any moment be jammed into your stomach as the person in front of you reclines their seat.

No. This is the only way to travel.

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Blues, Barbecue and Elvis Presley – A Girls Getaway to Memphis, Tennessee

We stepped out of the car, stretching and ready to experience Memphis in all its glory and then we all gasped aloud at the humid heat that slapped us in the face like a wet washcloth. We had chosen Memphis on a whim for our Girlfriend Getaway since it was fairly close to our home base of Lexington, Kentucky and my sister-in-law was dying to visit Graceland, home of the famous Elvis Presley.

What we had not done was research just how hot Memphis could be in the summer, assuming it would be similar to Kentucky. It was pretty warm but we quickly adjusted and set our sights on settling into our lovely room in the River Inn at Harbor Town.

Read the rest of this article on HERE.

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The Junipine Resort in Sedona, Arizona

Check out my review of the Junipine Resort on as well HERE.

We dropped our luggage and walked straight back through the living room to the deck because, through the sliding glass doors, we could see it.

The view.

The incredible, mesmerizing, gorgeous view of the snow-topped mountains, the trees, the creek, the….we were overwhelmed with the beauty.

Wouldn't you be amazed by this view?

We saw a great deal of jaw-dropping scenery when we were in Arizona but Sedona was truly one of the most amazing places we have ever seen. It started with our stay at the wonderful Junipine Resort, just a few miles outside town. The drive from town out to the Junipine Resort has such incredible scenery that we had to stop several times to take pictures. Luckily, there are plenty of places to pull off the road since everyone else wants to do the very same thing.

One of the many gorgeous mountain views in Sedona.

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Lake Havasu City, Arizona

There it was. The London Bridge.

No, not that one.

This one.

Yes. Yes, they do indeed have the London Bridge in Arizona. Crazy but true. It’s one of the highlights of this scenic town situated on the banks of beautiful Lake Havasu and one of the reasons we decided to make Lake Havasu City one of the stops on the whirlwind tour of Arizona we were on. The London Bridge and the Pocket Cruisers Convention.

After the long drive from Scottsdale/Phoenix through cactus-strewn desert and craggy brown mountains towering in the distance, the sight of the sparklingly clear green water in the lake was pretty refreshing.

Speaking of driving, I have to say how much we have enjoyed having a rental car and making this road trip. Even though we have traveled quite a bit in the last two years, we have never actually taken a long road trip together. And let me just tell you that a two-week road trip, driving all over the state of Arizona is an excellent test of your marriage compatibility.

Apparently ours is pretty good.

Although, in good conscience,  I have to admit there was that one episode of yelling and gesticulating when I very clearly pointed to the left lane and Tom assumed I was pointing to the right lane and exited off the Interstate instead of continuing the way I had clearly indicated. This was not so much an argument as an example of him being completely and totally in the wrong.

It’s also nice to have a rental car because we just stuffed our dirty laundry into a garbage bag and left it in the car. Our suitcases got lighter and lighter which was very pleasant but we finally had to stuff those smelly clothes back in the suitcases. And I use the word “we” very loosely because in actuality that was me doing the packing because he doesn’t do it exactly right.

Much like how he does not understand my clear gestures to the left lane.

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Eating Our Way Around Old Town Scottsdale with Arizona Food Tours

If you have been reading this blog for very long, you know we are all about the food when we travel. In fact, you can see all of my foodie reviews here which include walking food tours in San Francisco and Portland, Maine. So it will not surprise you to learn that we basically ate our way across Arizona from Scottsdale/Phoenix to Lake Havasu to Sedona and back to Scottsdale/Phoenix/Chandler.

When I learned we were going to be staying at the fabulous and kitschy Hotel Valley Ho (more about them in another post), I did a little research about Old Town Scottsdale, where the hotel is located and found out that there was a food tour there. A Taste of Old Town Scottsdale presented by Arizona Food Tours included everything from pizza to liqueur-infused ice cream, along a three-hour walking tour that would also present the history of the area.


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Back to the Beach – Navarre Beach, Florida

Pretty much everything I need. Yet I still have a full suitcase.

Well, I finally have everything unpacked and put away from our Arizona trip, all the laundry done and neatly folded up, and my suitcases tucked into the closet.

Good thing because now it’s time to pack again.

I have been invited on a press trip to Navarre Beach, Florida and don’t think I have ever had two trips quite this close together before.


Uh. Yeah. There was that time I went to Hawaii twice within three weeks last year. That was really a wonderful and completely overwhelming experience. We had already planned a press trip with Brendan Vacations to Hawaii when Classic Vacations came along and offered me a fam trip and I just couldn’t pass it up. I had never been to Hawaii before and here I was going twice. Crazy.

But you better believe I went on both trips. However, it was a little surreal to be in Waikiki three weeks later with my husband and saying “Oh, yeah! Let’s eat here – it was really good the last time I was here. Three weeks ago.”

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Over, Under, Around and Through – Experiencing the Beautiful Water of the Caribbean

There is no water anywhere in the world quite like the Caribbean. I have been to beaches all my life but the first time I saw the incredible, innumerable shades of blue and green that make up the Caribbean I was truly amazed. Sparkling jade, dark and mysterious emerald, clear turquoise, pale blue topaz – it’s a whole jewelry box of colors. Diving into the Caribbean is an experience like no other, with jewel-bright fish darting through water so clear you can see the white sand 40 feet below. But there are many different ways to experience this gorgeous liquid prism. You can go over, under, around and through it.

Read the rest of this article on Travelhoppers HERE.

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The Black Bear Diner in Lake Havasu City, AZ

Black Bear Diner on Urbanspoon

This Southern girl had come home.

I could smell fish and shrimp frying, people were chowing down on big plates of food with cold glasses of iced tea and the place mat offered everything in the restaurant with bacon wrapped around it.

Bacon wrapped meat loaf? Oh, yeah.

The only thing they didn’t do was offer me a choice of sweet or unsweet tea but you can’t expect that once you leave the South. You just plan on sweetening your own tea as soon as people lose that distinctive southern twang and the salt doesn’t have rice in it because of the humidity.

Our waitress, Connie, was not from the South but you would never have known it from her friendliness and down home attitude. Flying around from table to table making conversation, taking orders and welcoming us to the great state of Arizona, she made our visit to the Black Bear Diner in Lake Havasu especially pleasant.

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#The Great Hair Product Project of 2012: The Inns at El Rancho Merlita

If you wonder why in the world I’m writing about hotel amenities, just read this post and then the review of the amenities at the Inn at Eagle Mountain, at the Hotel Valley Ho, and at the Westin Kierland.


I’m going to write a whole post about our stay at this lovely, lovely B & B Inn in Tucson soon but just let me tell you that if you book a stay here you should absolutely read in detail the confirmation letter they send you. Don’t skim it, extract the information that your GPS will not work, then print out directions from Google. Because it specifically says not to do this.

And you will follow those directions and end up in some random neighborhood in Tucson which is not remotely near the Inns at El Rancho Merlita and you will have to call them and beg for directions on how to get there. And you will also have to shamefacedly pull up that letter on your iphone to get the gate code which was also specifically mentioned in that letter because you are too embarrassed to call them and ask for that number.

I’m not saying this happened to me.

I’m just saying.

However. You will be very happy when you arrive at El Rancho Merlita and see what a beautiful oasis in the Sonoran desert it is with a wonderful pool, lovely landscaping and gorgeous, comfortable rooms.

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#The Great Hair Product Project of 2012: The Westin Kierland Resort and Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona

If you wonder why in the world I’m writing about hotel amenities, just read this post and then the review of the amenities at the Inn at Eagle Mountain, at the Hotel Valley Ho.


I was a little disappointed when I saw the amenities on the counter of the bathroom in our deluxe and quite, quite fabulous room at the Westin Kierland (more about our room and the fabulousness that is this place soon) because there was just two small bottles on the sink. Then I looked closer.

And realized this was the first place we had stayed that gave us mouthwash as an amenity. Mouthwash. Is that classy or what?

Mouthwash - how cool is that?

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