Stop, Drop and Roll – the Best Way to Pack

I just finished packing a suitcase for a week in a beach house and I’m amazed that I actually have room in my suitcase. Andit only weighs about 35 pounds. I’m pretty pleased with myself. Now, some people will manage to walk on that plane with one small carry-on, but I will not be one of those people.

I need my shoes. Lots of shoes!

I need choices.

And shoes. I need shoes.

So I will have to check a bag, but it’s not crammed full and it’s not heavy. I have learned. After nearly paying a great deal extra for a heavy bag on a trip to Hawaii, I’ve finally learned.

There are all kind of tips on the Internet about packing light, what to pack, and how much to take, but it’s really an individual choice. Some people have to have lots of shoes, for example. But here’s what I’ve learned about packing and what allows me to take what I want, be happy, and still not have an overweight, overpacked suitcase. I call it Stop, Drop, and Roll.

Read the rest of this post on Travel for Boomers.

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How To Cruise as Frugally as Possible

Years and years ago, cruising was only for the rich and famous. Sumptuously furnished ocean liners traversed the oceans of the world and gorgeously dressed, wealthy individuals sipped champagne and mulled over how best to spend their millions.

Not so much anymore.

Anyone can cruise now and thousands of people are traversing those same oceans, swilling tropical drinks with little umbrellas in them and trying to forget that they have to go right back to work when they get home.

Cruising is for singles looking to meet their future life partners, newlyweds, families with babies or teenagers, and it’s also just perfect for Baby Boomers. But cruising is expensive – right?


Read the rest of this article on “Travel for Boomers” HERE.

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Eating our Way Around Roanoke, Virginia

It was the biscuit that really did us in.

Or possibly the cupcakes.

But then again, it might have been the famous peanut soup.

Oh, heck. It was everything we ate in Roanoke, Virginia. Every single bite persuaded us that we were absolutely in foodie heaven.

We were in lovely Roanoke, nestled in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains on a press trip to learn all about this fantastic place. It had been years since I had been in Virginia and Tom had never visited so everything was new to us. We loved everything about this friendly, historic town that is well-loved by all its inhabitants but one of our favorite things was the food. The food.

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How to Get Around Paying For your Baggage

Remember how you used to pack whatever you wanted in your suitcases and take whatever you wanted on the plane? Not sure which outfit to bring? Oh, heck, bring them all – you might want some choices! They never weighed suitcases, you could take several, and it really didn’t matter how big they were, how heavy they were, or how awkward – just leave them at the check-in area and forget about them. Every Baby Boomer remembers those good ol’ days.

Anyone who has traveled recently, however, knows this is no longer the case. You are restricted on size and weight and, even with those restrictions, you still have to pay for your baggage if you’re traveling domestically. If you’re traveling with your family, this can get quite expensive. A chart on Airfare Watchdog lists all the charges.

Read the rest of this article on Travel for Boomers HERE.

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Gulf Shores/Orange Beach – the Best Kept Secret in Alabama

Drive across Alabama.

Now just keep on driving you are totally out of road. You should see the sugar-white sand and crystal green water of the wonderful gulf coast area.

Gulf Shores / Orange Beach (click to see Mapquest)

You have arrived in one of the loveliest, quietest and most family-friendly destinations in Alabama. Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Alabama are so close together they are considered one beach area, and you won’t have any idea when you cross from one to the other. They are both equally lovely.

Tucked neatly into a strip of land separated from the mainland by a bay, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach might as well be a barrier island. The choice of the quiet bay or the more lively Gulf of Mexico seems like a difficult one, but in this area it’s really pretty easy: choose both! Both bodies of water are within easy access of each other – in fact, if you are staying in a hotel or beach house, you can see the bay out of one side and the Gulf out of the other. Such is the case at the Perdido Beach Resort, a gorgeous resort located on the Gulf of Mexico side of Orange Beach.

Read the rest of this article on Travelhoppers HERE.

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Sammy Does The Gulf Coast

It all started with the snake. No, not a real snake. Do you know me at all?

Snakes belong in cages or somewhere far, far away from me where they can eat mice and be part of the circle of life and I never, ever have to see them.

It was a stuffed snake we bought for our grandson when we were in Arizona. We carried Ralph around for almost the entire trip and, when we were ready to head home, I stuck him in my purse, took a picture and sent it to our grandson, telling him that Ralph couldn’t wait to meet him. Ralph was technically supposed to be a rattlenske, since our grandson was convinced we were going to see them all over Arizona, but all we could find was a boa constrictor. Close enough.


Ralph, the snake.

Our grandson was thrilled with Ralph and, when our daughter told us how much he loved him and how we should have sent more pictures, we figuratively slapped ourselves on the foreheads. We should have taken more pictures of him! All over Arizona! In the desert!

Well, we would not let that opportunity pass again.

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Categories: Alabama, Beach, Florida, Travel with Children | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Foodie Tours: An Introduction to Local Specialties for Less

My husband and I have learned that we don’t need nearly as much food as we had previously consumed when traveling. In fact, we have even cut down on our calories at home. Maybe it’s our age, maybe it’s being a little overweight, but we have both agreed we are fine with eating a little less. Two meals a day and maybe a little, healthy snack and we are both satisfied.

But even if you are sensible and cut way down on the amount of food you eat when traveling, you are still going to have some food expenses and, if you are not careful, they can be a big part of your travel budget.

There are many different ways to cut down on the food part of your travel budget, but one of the most enjoyable, as we have recently discovered, is local foodie tours. For roughly the price of one nice restaurant meal, you can enjoy samples (some quite substantial) at a variety of restaurants, bakeries and other, more unique venues, like vinegar and oil shops. It’s also a great introduction to a location as the tour guides are invariably knowledgeable about the area. So even though we’ve cut down on the amount of food we eat, we still want what we eat to be wonderful and scrumptious – and “foodie tours” are a great way to find the best local specialties.

Read the rest of this article on Travel for Boomers HERE.

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Mermaid Cottages, Tybee Island, Georgia

We turned off the main road through Tybee Island onto a quiet side street which had at its end a sandy path leading directly to the ocean. We pulled up to the teeny, hot pink cottage that was steps from the beach. We were both taken aback at the perfection of this little place.

Old Love Cottage is a classic, 1920’s beach cottage – one of many from Mermaid Cottages –  that has been completely renovated. I had seen pictures of it online before we arrived on Tybee for a couple days before we headed to Savannah but the pictures had not done it justice and didn’t make you appreciate how close it was to the beach. You can actually see the ocean from the charming back cottage.

Front of Old Love Cottage

We stepped inside and were immediately enchanted. This was a dollhouse! With a tin roof, bead board walls, pocket windows, and a picket-fenced yard, that is precisely what it is. The private road and private beach access are wonderful but you are also just minutes away from great restaurants and shopping.

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Ziplining Might Possibly Not Be for Acrophobiacs

This is SO NOT ME.

Now, as you know if you know me at all, I’m not really an adventurous sort of person.

I am more of a spa/shopping/relax on the beach while someone brings me a frozen drink kind of person.

 My idea of roughing it is staying in a hotel with no room service.

 I don’t like bugs, I don’t like snakes and I like to sleep in a cool, dark room with a fan running.

 The idea of anything other than a leisurely hike through the woods with a hot tub and fireplace waiting at the end is not at all appealing.

And I don’t like heights. Not at all. Heights make me dizzy, sick and terrified. My palms sweat and my mouth is as dry as Phoenix in July.

So you will be very surprised to learn that, when I found out that ziplining at Adventures Unlimited in Milton, Florida was going to be an option on a press trip we took recently to Navarre, Florida I was…sort of intrigued.  It didn’t look all that high in the pictures. Well, here, watch the video.

Now, that doesn’t that look cool and easy – and not that high? I can do this, I told myself. How hard can it be? Tom was a little taken aback although he didn’t tell me until much later that he never dreamed I would actually do it. He decided to abstain, not because he is afraid of heights – quite the contrary – but so that he could get photos of this momentous event.

We arrived at Adventures Unlimited which is actually a supremely cool place and I would love to go back. They have tons of things to do, in addition to ziplining, and once we got there I realized that we had taken a canoe trip with them years ago as a family that was wonderful. You can canoe, kayak, tube down the river and camp along its sandy banks. It’s a beautiful location and the river is a clear, tea color with clean white sand on the bottom. Lovely.

But we were here to zipline.

Yikes. I'm actually doing this.

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The Best Seafood Restaurant on the Gulf Coast – Lulu’s!

Lulu's at Homeport Marina on Urbanspoon

We thought we were going to a little seaside dive restaurant and, honestly, our expectations were low.  We were staying at the Perdido Beach Resort in Gulf Shores, Alabama and one of my completely lovely PR people had arranged a visit to Lulu’s. My first mistake was in not checking their website or any reviews because I was just doing a favor for her and how bad could fresh, local seafood be?

Not bad. Not bad. Just about as opposite as you can possibly be.

In fact, completely fabulous.

Our first clue that Lulu’s  was a whole lot more than a little seaside dive restaurant was when we pulled up and saw the place. Lulu’s is…well…Lulu’s is incomparable. Composed of a series of different, beachy-looking wooden buildings, Lulu’s is, first of all, huge. It has something to offer every single member of your family, especially the kids, and if you are anywhere near Lulu’s on your next vacation – in fact, if you are within approximately a day’s drive of Lulu’s or a week’s drive or whatever – you need to go here.

There are plenty of places for the kids to play, a cute and kitschy store and the restaurant itself which sprawls over a large area and overlooks a lovely lake. They have ceiling fans and live music and tons of people having a great time and the food. Oh my Lord, the food.

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