I just finished packing a suitcase for a week in a beach house and I’m amazed that I actually have room in my suitcase. Andit only weighs about 35 pounds. I’m pretty pleased with myself. Now, some people will manage to walk on that plane with one small carry-on, but I will not be one of those people.
I need my shoes. Lots of shoes!
I need choices.
And shoes. I need shoes.
So I will have to check a bag, but it’s not crammed full and it’s not heavy. I have learned. After nearly paying a great deal extra for a heavy bag on a trip to Hawaii, I’ve finally learned.
There are all kind of tips on the Internet about packing light, what to pack, and how much to take, but it’s really an individual choice. Some people have to have lots of shoes, for example. But here’s what I’ve learned about packing and what allows me to take what I want, be happy, and still not have an overweight, overpacked suitcase. I call it Stop, Drop, and Roll.
Read the rest of this post on Travel for Boomers.
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