We expected Charleston to be very much like Savannah, Georgia.
And, in some ways, it is similar.
It’s another lovely Southern city on the coast with a genteel, quiet charm.
But in others it is completely and totally unique.
For example, Charleston has piazzas.
Not pizza, you all. Piazzas.
The first definition I found of a piazza is an open square, usually in an Italian town but the second definition is “an arcaded and roofed gallery”. What’s really completely and totally appropriate for Charleston is that the example offered for word usage is “let’s have our mint juleps out on the piazza”.
Because, seriously?
A piazza on a gorgeous, historic home in Charleston is the perfect place for a mint julep.
Piazzas are long, covered porches which are built to run alongside many of the houses in Charleston and, what is truly unique is that the front door of the house opens not into the house but into the piazza! They make the houses of Charleston truly different and I adore them. Originally designed to block the hot summer sun and take advantage of the cross breeze from the ocean, they are the perfect place to relax in a rocking chair and enjoy the completely wonderful place that is Charleston.
Piazza on a Charleston home.
Front door to - the piazza!
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