5 Florida Destinations to Help You Escape the Snow

Florida has been a Mecca of vacations for many, many years. Who among us has not driven for many hours in a car packed with relatives to a beach house where you proceed to consume your weight in freshly-caught shrimp and spend hours every day trying to remove sand from every crevice in your body as well as from the floor mats in your car?

Here are 5 destinations that make that weight gain and stubborn sand worth the drive.

1. Destin

Located on the gorgeous Gulf of Mexico—which has colours reminiscent of the Caribbean and sugar-white sand beaches—Destin is more like an island paradise than a city in Florida. There are lovely boutique hotels such as the Henderson Park Inn, as well as sprawling resorts with shops, restaurants and plenty of accommodation choices, like the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort. Add in plenty of beach houses available for rent, and you have a location perfect for families.

Spend that inevitable rainy day at the Silver Sands outlet mall, where you are sure to find the perfect item for every member of the family. Grab lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise; I recommend the fish tacos! Then try dinner at Fudpuckers and let the kids feed the alligators in their private lagoon.

Read the rest of this article on “Travel + Escape” HERE.

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Aargh, Maties! The Tybee Island Pirate Fest

Yeah, I'm wearing a pirate hat. So what?

The dog was pretty cool about the fact that his owner had perched a pirate hat on his head.

Tongue lolling, he just seemed to be enjoying the lovely October weather on this beautiful barrier island as much as the rest of us.

And he was not alone in his pirate garb by any stretch of the imagination. We had journeyed back to friendly Tybee Island, Georgia, one of our favorite places, to check out their annual Pirate Fest and were amazed at how truly into the pirate spirit the inhabitants and tourists were. Everywhere we looked, we saw pirates. Pirate wenches, pirate babies, pirates, pirates, pirates!

Pirate family!


Pirate Couple!


Pirate Wenches!

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Quit Yer Crab Inn or Possibly the Best Beach House in the Entire World

I stretched out my legs and propped my feet up on the railing on the completely fabulous, huge, screened in front porch of our completely fabulous, huge beach house on Tybee Island and just relished the fact that I had nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no responsibilities whatsoever.


And it was a completely glorious day at the beach.

Could life get any better?

We had arrived the day before and just sat in the driveway of our beach house called Quit Yer Crab Inn, where we were staying, thanks to Joy Pohjalainen, the owner of Tybee Joy Vacations, who had kindly offered us a rental property for a few days. We were there to cover the annual Pirate Fest on Tybee and this house was the perfect place to stay on the island.

We sat there in the driveway for several minutes because we were stunned by the gorgeous house at which we were staring with amazement. I had seen pictures online, of course, but neither of us had realized quite how large and lovely this property would really be.

The magnificent Quit Yer Crab Inn. Photo courtesy of Tybee Joy Vacations.

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Melia Atlanta Hotel

Beautiful Melia Hotel. Photo courtesy of the hotel.

We relaxed on the comfortable couch in the private lounge area of The Level, snacking on fabulous hot hors d’oeuvres and enjoying the incredible view of Atlanta through the floor-length windows.

Just when we thought we had reached the height of being absolutely and completely spoiled, the concierge who is stationed in the lounge area came over to ask if there was anything else we needed. Anything else we needed?

No, there was nothing else.

We were in heaven in the fabulous Melia Atlanta Hotel.

When you stay on The Level – one of the higher floors in the hotel – you have not only fabulous Level rooms with a balcony, flat-screen television, free wifi, and all the amenities which go along with a wonderful luxury hotel room, you also have access to The Level lounge which includes a lovely breakfast in the morning and an open bar (!) with delicious hors d’oeuvres every evening.

Wonderful hors d'oeuvres!

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Biking Our Way Through Atlanta, Georgia

This was not like any cemetery we had every seen. The Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta is truly a gorgeous place with intricately carved headstones and mausoleums and plenty of green grass, full-growth trees and paths winding through the park-like expanse.

But one reason we were enjoying our cemetery tour so much was that we were not seeing it through the windows of a bus or even exerting ourselves in one of the walking tours. Instead, we were tooling along in comfort, viewing downtown Atlanta from the seat of a bike.

Beautiful Oakland Cemetery.

And we loved it.

We had been biking twice recently and, when we learned there was a ten-mile, 3-hour bike tour of Atlanta, we decided to go for it. After all, Atlanta is not very hilly, right?


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Be in the Moment – You Can Write About it Later!

Two years ago about this time, we were on a wine tasting cruise with AmaWaterways through Germany. We spent a few days in Amsterdam, cruised through Germany and ended up in Paris. Every single thing we did was new to us. We had never been to Europe and never been on a river cruise so every day was a new and exciting adventure with canals! castles! vineyards! and omg the Eiffel Tower!

Neither the travel company I was working for at the time or AmaWaterways had insisted or even mentioned that I should be live-blogging the trip but, for some reason, I put myself in that position.

So, every single late afternoon and evening instead of enjoying the fact that we were on the trip of a lifetime, I was glued to my computer or iPad writing. I had just bought my new iPad and had a cool little keyboard in which it docked and I worked on that little gizmo all over the ship. Here’s how I spent way too much of my time. Instead of admiring the incredible landscape that was outside our window, I was glued to my iPad. I did glance up once in a while!

Writing instead of enjoying the view.

By the time I went on a Caribbean cruise the next spring with some girlfriends, I had figured out that it was not the best idea to try to write about everything I was experiencing daily. I do take my iPad with me everywhere and often a computer as well but I write when I feel like it or when I am particularly inspired not because I have put myself on a deadline. The deadlines I have for the venues for which I write, I plan for well in advance and don’t put myself in a position where I have to do a lot of writing when I travel.

I do write often and a lot when I travel because writing is something I love but I just don’t stress about it. I remember spending hours one night on the river cruise trying to get some pictures into a post and almost crying because it just was not working. In hindsight, I can’t believe I was so concerned about it. Absolutely nobody would have cared if I had written about the trip days or weeks after we returned.

I recently took a Segway tour in Savannah that was quite an experience. I had never been on a Segway and learning to balance while laughing with the rest of the group who were equally inept was a blast. We finally got a little better and tooled around downtown Savannah admiring the gorgeous historic homes and Spanish moss draped trees everywhere. As I zipped along, I thought that I had to be sure I shared these feelings, this joy, when I wrote about the experience. I had to have my words make this fabulous experience come alive for the reader. I spent a few minutes toying with words and doing a little writing in my head and then the guide pointed out another historic site and I realized I needed to just let go.

To not worry about writing about this experience, this day, this story right now.

I just needed to experience it.

I could write about it later.

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Cruising Elkhart Lake, WI on Captain Tom’s Elkhart Queen

We both sat back and relaxed as the pontoon boat, the Elkhart Queen, was skillfully steered away from the dock by Captain Tom. Beautiful Elkhart Lake sparkled with diamonds of late afternoon sunshine and that same golden fall sunshine warmed our backs. It was the perfect start to a lovely evening in Elkhart Lake.

We had driven go karts and UTV’d at Road America , kayaked, and even taken a cooking class but this was turning out to be the best adventure of all. One that involved just sitting on the comfortable bench of this pontoon boat, listening to the knowledgeble Captain Tom narrate our way around the lake, and watching as the incredibly beautiful, clear waters of Elkhart Lake unfurled in front of us.

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Off Road at Road America

Although I was most excited to try kayaking for the first time during our visit to the incomparable Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, Tom was most intrigued when he saw Road America listed on the itinerary we received for our press trip.

And when we mentioned our trip to Elkhart Lake to two friends who are from Wisconsin, the first thing they both asked was whether we were going to Road America. Apparently, unbeknownst to us, we had planned a trip to a town that was famous for some sort of race track.

Although I had some reservations about visiting Road America on our trip because I think watching a car race is roughly as exciting as watching golf and now I have alienated both the car race enthusiasts and the golf enthusiasts, it ended up being one of the highlights of our trip. Mainly because there was no actual car racing watching at the time, although I’m sure that is equally exciting as what we did if you like that sort of thing.

Which Tom does. And would have been absolutely thrilled to watch cars drive around and around a track for hours.

Road America is one of the friendliest places we have visited and they know all about keeping a large crowd of people happy. But let me back up and tell you how this race track, basically in the middle of nowhere in the Kettle Moraine of Wisconsin, got started. Back in 1950, a group of car racing enthusiasts decided that Elkhart Lake was the perfect place to run a race. A beautiful little village, friendly people, a perfectly gorgeous lake, and plenty of open country with quiet roads where the racers could really get up their speed combined into the perfect ingredients for a race track.

The first race was held on a 3.35 mile circuit North of the lake and, astounding as it may seem, the race actually ran right through the center of town. Because Elkhart Lake is very proud of their racing history, there are markers all over to show the location of this first race – and part of the race track is in front of the Osthoff Resort where a closed pedestrian walkway by the lake provides a scenic area to stroll by the lake.

Sign is a little ironic, considering this used to be part of a race track.

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Victorian Village Resort in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

Welcome to Victorian Village Resort!

When I heard Elkhart Lake described as “crystal clear”, I just shrugged my shoulders.

Yeah. Whatever.

I know lakes. When you swim in lakes, you might as well accept the fact that the water is going to be murky and you can’t see the lower half of your body when treading water.

Which is, quite frankly, a little creepy.

So when I stepped out onto the large wooden porch of our completely fabulous suite (which is a misnomer, these are more like apartments) of the Victorian Village Resort and saw the absolutely – yes – crystal clear water of Elkhart Lake, I was astonished.

This is the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. Seriously. We have lots of lakes in Kentucky. We even have a region that is called the Land Between the Lakes, we have so many. But nothing like this. This absolutely gorgeous, clean and clear water with a sandy bottom, actual sand beaches, surrounded by lovely, thick green forest…this was incredible.

View of the lake from our suite.

Not only is this lake incredible in every way – you must see this lake – we stayed in just the loveliest resort imaginable. Originally built in 1882, the Victorian Village Resort was recently purchased by Kenny and Judy Salzwedel and restored as a labor of love into a charming, elegant estate with beautifully landscaped grounds, a sandy beachfront, wonderful pool and hot tub and some of the nicest accommodations in which we have ever stayed.

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Mountains or Beach: It’s a Never-Ending Quandary

Possibly because he had never seen the beach until we got married – don’t even get me started on how unbelievable this is – Tom is not the beach-loving fanatic that I am.

My mom was born in Pensacola, Florida and we spent most vacations there my whole life so to me the proper travel equation is:

perfect travel destination in any scenario = beach

Tom. Not so much. He thinks the beach, any beach, is pretty much just OK. His perfect travel equation is more like:

perfect travel destination anytime = mountains

So, needless to say, we often have to negotiate. Beaches this trip, mountains next time. Stop in the mountains on the way to the beach. A state that has both beaches and mountains. Somehow, we manage to work it out. The next destination we are working on is a perfect example of beaches vs. mountains.

I have recently seen several articles about the rather obscure Hawaiian island of Lanai and I am very intrigued. We loved our visit to the Hawaiian Islands two years ago but there were some things we very much did not like, such as the overwhelmingly urban city of Waikiki and some of the beaches and other locations crowded with tourists.

I realize we are tourists and it’s rather unfair to not like a place with too many tourists but there it is. Apparently we are tourists who want lovely and fabulous destinations all to ourselves. So lovely, quiet and rather deserted Lanai sounds like a paradise. And it’s rather a unique place as well with some desert-like topography and spinner dolphins playing right off the shore.

But then I found out that there are actually Grand Canyon Hotels where you can stay and spend time exploring this marvelous sight.

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