Winter Wonderland Weekend in Door County, Wisconsin

Press Trip

As we drove through Illinois towards Wisconsin a couple of weeks ago, we were encouraged to see the first signs of snow on the ground.

 Just traces of white here and there, but we had just spent several days in Chicago with no snow, much to our disappointment, and we were concerned that our winter getaway in beautiful Door County was going to be a no-snow weekend.

 You all.

We had nothing to worry about.

More and more snow appeared on the ground until, as we entered the long peninsula into Lake Michigan which comprises the scenic and quaint area known as Door County, there was probably about a foot of snow on the ground – with more predicted that night, much to our gleeful delight.

Just another snowy day in Door County.

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The Year of the Cruise. Apparently. Part Two.

So, I already told you all about our travel year in this post and how it’s going to be completely fabulous in every way because we have two cruises booked and possibly a third and, for two cruise aficionados, this is our idea of heaven.

Yes, we are lucky.

So very, very lucky.

When we originally started planning our many travel adventures for 2013, we decided we would at least attempt to live within our travel budget which is made up of money earned from freelancing so not much and this meant cruising was probably out of the question because flying anywhere to embark just gets darn expensive.

Of course, we then immediately planned a yacht cruise from Seattle for which we had to scrape up airfare but seriously.

How could we not?

But then we got a little more practical and I started checking to see if there were any cruises that were embarking from someplace driveable for us and who knew?

There are actually cruises of the Great Lakes.

Which are driveable for us.

Specifically, Lake Michigan.

Specifically the quite wonderful company Blount Cruises which offers several cruises in that area including the Magical Lake Michigan cruise which we will be taking. They also offer tons of other cruises in the United State and the Caribbean but this one leaves from Chicago which works perfectly as we can drive there in just a few hours.

And we just spent a few days in Chicago where the wind off Lake Michigan just about stripped the flesh from our bones so it might be nice to see the city without having to put on several layers of clothes and snow boots. So, June should be quite lovely.

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The Year of the Cruise. Apparently.

I know you are going to feel so sorry for me when I tell you that we had to pass up an offer for a press trip cruise to Alaska this summer.

So sorry because we had to pass it up for the simple reason that we are going to be on another cruise just a week before that.

So basically we couldn’t go on a completely fabulous cruise because we had just been on a completely fabulous cruise. Not only that, we will have been on another completely fabulous cruise just two months previously.

And now you are playing the world’s smallest violin for us.

In a series of coincidences, two people who completely and absolutely adore cruising in every form will go on two press trip cruises in the space of 4 months and I have high hopes that we can reschedule the Alaska cruise so, in essence, we will go on three cruises in one year and ZOMG are we the luckiest people ever?

Why, yes. Yes, we are.

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The Oar House, Dahlonega, Georgia

The Oar House on Urbanspoon


We almost missed The Oar House. Tucked away on a mountainside in Dahlonega, Georgia overlooking a scenic river, this fabulous place is a little hidden if you don’t watch carefully for the sign.

And we didn’t believe our GPS when it clearly told us where the restaurant was located. It was getting dark, we were getting frustrated, and finally we just called the restaurant and they kindly directed us right to it.

Right where our GPS had told us it was.

And once we saw this quaint and charming restaurant in a transformed older home, met the friendly and kind owner, Leigh O’Brien, who owns it with her husband Tim, and tasted the sumptuous food, we were so, so glad we had found it.

Warm, cozy and friendly - the perfect place for a meal!

Leigh welcomed us at the door and ushered us into a warm and welcoming environment with a fireplace, small twinkling light strewn everywhere, and two lovely decks overlooking the Chestatee River. The deck area was quite large and would be great for any kind of event; in fact, Leigh told us they have lots of wedding receptions there.

After admiring the view for a while, she showed us to our table in a private alcove overlooking the river. If we had picked a table ourselves, it would have been this one.

Our quite wonderful table.

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Back Porch Oyster Bar, Dahlonega, Georgia

Back Porch Oyster Bar on Urbanspoon

The lovely Back Porch Oyster Bar. Photo courtesy of the restaurant.

The first time you see the Back Porch Oyster Bar in quaint little Dahlonega, Georgia, you might think you have been tricked into a time space continuum – and isn’t it always interesting when that happens? – and you have been transported to Key West or some other, equally fabulous coastal town.

But no.

You are still in the mountains of North Georgia; it’s just that the owners, Lee and Trish Creef, are natives of coastal North Carolina and happen to think everyone deserves really, really fresh seafood – even in the mountains of North Georgia. And we are so very, very lucky that they think this because every bite you are going to eat at their kitschy and quite lovely restaurant is going to be delicious.

Located right in Dahlonega’s historic downtown, the restaurant is classy yet comfortable and has a wonderful porch area that would be perfect for dining in the spring and summer. We were lucky enough to be served personally by the owners who were just so sweet, friendly and concerned that we like everything that they proceeded to bring us every single item from the kitchen.

Not that we are complaining.

Trish asked if it was OK for her to choose what to serve us and, not being fools and realizing that Trish would bring us the best they had to offer, we instantly agreed.

Lost in a haze of culinary deliciousness, I’m not exactly sure in what order we had the appetizers. Yes, I said appetizerS. So just let me tell you about each one and how completely wonderful they were. Each one was better than the last and each one was presented in the epitome of graciousness with accompanying garnishes and swirls of sauce that made you want to immediately scarf them down.

Fair warning.

You are probably going to want to eat after you read this. And if you are nowhere near Dahlonega, Georgia so you can eat at the Back Porch Oyster Bar?

I am so sorry for you.

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Dahlonega Spa Resort in Dahlonega, Georgia

The first thing you need to know about Dahlonega, Georgia aside from the fact that it is completely lovely in every way, is how to pronounce the name of the place.

For quite a while, when we first made arrangements to visit, I was calling it Dahlonega, pronounced like Talladega. Luckily, before we visited this friendly little jewel of a town tucked away in the North Georgia Blue Ridge mountains, I visited their website, checked out the video and realized I had been pronouncing it all wrong. 

So, when we met the friendly and likeable folks at the Visitor’s Center, I didn’t sound like a complete doofus.

Always a good thing.

We stopped in Dahlonega on our way back from the Pirate Fest on Tybee Island so, instead of heading on home to Kentucky when we reached Atlanta, we dog-legged off into the wilds of Georgia which was not quite as wild as it sounds since we drove straight there mostly on one highway. Although I’m just going to admit that getting home after our visit was not nearly as easy since we drove through the mountains to connect back with I75 and, at one point, were having a serious argument about the gravel road the GPS was trying to send us on. But that may have been because we persisted in trying to correct it and make changes and our GPS can be a tiny bit of a bitch when we mess with her.

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Best Ways to Take a City Tour

Stanley Park in Vancouver

Driving around on your own while attempting to tour a strange city is a good way to ruin a great travel experience. Dealing with traffic, finding places to park, juggling maps or trying to listen to your GPS—while arguing with your travel mates about which museum to visit first—can all contribute to frazzled nerves.

This is why I generally book some sort of tour before I even try to see a city on my own. Once I have a good introduction, I know where I want to spend more time and feel much more comfortable exploring on my own.

Here are some of the best ways to see a city—without feeling like you’re trapped behind the window of a bus.

Hop-On/Hop-Off Tours

A great way to be introduced to a city is with a a hop-on/hop-off touring option. One of the most beautiful cities in the world is Vancouver, and one of the best ways to see it is with the Vancouver Trolley Company. Just check their website for the nearest stop, purchase a ticket onboard, then ride around to whatever destination piques your interest, or stay on for the whole two-hour, narrated tour. Lovely Stanley Park, fascinating Gastown and the intriguing Granville Market—all are available on the trolley.

Read the rest of this article on Travel + Escape HERE.

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Country Music, Sweet Tea and Me: Nashville, TN

View from our balcony at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel.

If you have been watching the new television show, “Nashville”, you might be getting a hankerin’ to visit Music City and hear some country music. Nashville, Tennessee is the best place in the world to do just that but this lovely southern city also has tons of other things to offer for a fabulous girlfriends getaway.

Don’t even think about staying at any other hotel in Nashville but the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, a sumptuous, gorgeous resort perched on the banks of the Cumberland River with a sprawling nine acres of indoor gardens, cascading waterfalls and an unbelievable, complete indoor river with a Delta flatboat for cruising along. Remember, this is all INSIDE the resort. Step into the luxurious, huge lobby with several check-in desks, stroll into the climate-controlled glass atrium and you could easily think you have stepped into another world. Be sure to request a Premium Garden View Room which overlooks the gardens and has a balcony because you will want to relax out there with a southern sweet iced tea and just marvel at the incredible beauty of this place.

Read the rest of this article on HERE.

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A Segway Tour in Savannah, Georgia

I stepped onto a Segway for the very first time in Savannah last fall.

 And then promptly stepped back off while holding onto the handlebars which is a strict no-no and causes the Segway to attempt to make an escape from you without you being onboard.

 Which is a little intimidating.

But within a few minutes I was wheeling around in the alleyway where we were practicing before taking our show onto the mean streets of Savannah, turning and maneuvering with the rest of the group.

Because riding a Segway is really very easy. It’s also a great deal of fun.

It does require using the muscles of your legs a surprising amount to stay balanced but you get used to that quickly as well. Riding a Segway is all about balance because you make it move just by leaning. It becomes second nature pretty quickly.

Getting some lessons.

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How to Get Romantic in Savannah, Georgia

You might notice the Spanish moss first. Draped over the live oak trees that fill the many squares in Savannah, Georgia, it hangs in ragged festoons from each of the branches and contributes to the relaxed mood of this southern city. Or you might notice the lovely, historic homes, many of which are hundreds of years old and have witnessed the American Civil War. Or possibly it’s the ballast stone street that runs along the river, paved with stones tossed out from the cargo ships that had used them as ballast on their long sea voyages; these stones have seen a lot of history.

Savannah is the largest city in Chatham County, Georgia, but still feels like a small, sleepy southern town—and the hospitality of its residents reinforces this feeling. In fact, one of Savannah’s nicknames is “The Hostess City of the South.”

There are several ways to see the city as a couple: choose a comfortable trolley tour or be more adventurous and make your way around town on a Segway with Segway of Savannah. Or, since Savannah is considered one of the most haunted cities in the south, take a tour of the haunted homes and cemeteries.

Read the rest of this article on Travel + Escape HERE.


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