Aruba: The Perfect Couples Getaway

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Aruba Tourism Authority for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.


Aruba travel

If you are a couple with one person who loves warm, lovely, tropical beaches of gorgeous  Caribbean colors like all the blue and green gemstones from the palest green peridot to navy blue lapis lazuli, and another person who would much rather be hiking and photographing some rugged, rocky area, then Aruba is the perfect place for you.

The beaches along the West Coast, lined with fabulous resorts, are the perfect location for lounging on the warm sand and catching up on that book you have been meaning to read, or swimming, snorkeling, waterskiing, kitesurfing, parasailing, or just taking a relaxing catamaran cruise around the island. The rugged beaches along the Windward coast, on the other hand, are the perfect place to explore the many coves and inlets formed in the limestone by the pounding waves.

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Relaxing at the Ummelina International Day Spa in Seattle

Hosted VisitMH900363200One of the best things among the many wonderful pluses of staying at the Mayflower Park Hotel was the fact that it was less than a block from one of the most fabulous spas we have ever experienced.

The Ummelina International Day Spa is just a short walk down Fourth Avenue but a world away from busy downtown Seattle. Step through the door, go up the stairs and enter that fragrant spa environment which always makes me take a deep breath and begin relaxing.

Now is the time to confess that I may possibly have ruined my husband. He is now an absolute and passionate lover of the spa experience. He was little hesitant when I dragged him to the first spa a couple of years ago, afraid that in some way it might lessen his manliness. Once he had his first hot stone massage, he was all about the spa experience.

So when the lovely folks at the spa suggested The Equator as one of the choices in the Journey experiences for couples, we were in complete agreement. Especially after we read the description:


Journey Solo or Duo…On this odyssey, relax under a true waterfall and receive the natural healing and restorative properties of the flowing water. Move your body to receive the water’s healing forces. The scents of nature surround you and the water washes away all stress. 
Leaving the Waterfall behind, journey into the warm, moist environment of the steamy Rain Forest.  While relaxing under a canopy of gentle rain, surrender to the pleasure of an exfoliating salt rub followed by a luxuriating water massage.  Pause in a comfortable lounger for a brief rest before continuing your journey. 
Arrive in the Desert, where dry heat enfolds you as warm oils and muds from around the world are applied to your body.  You lie basking as if in the warmth of the meridian sun. 
A visit to the Monsoon, to cool down your body and center before returning to the world anew, fresh and well traveled. ~ 2 hours

Uh. Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

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Photo Friday: Pike Place Market Octopus

You can find pretty much any kind of food at Pike Place Market in Seattle but they are most famous for the incredible variety of fresh seafood. This huge octopus amazed us with its tentacles and suckers.

Dinner, anyone?

Dinner, anyone?

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Magical Lake Michigan with Blount Small Ship Adventures

Press Trip
What to Pack for a Chicago Summer Cruise.

What to Pack for a Chicago Summer Cruise. by janross53


In a couple of weeks, we are heading out on another adventure in the world of cruising and we are pretty darn excited. After years of cruising on mammoth ocean liners, we have discovered the joy that is the small ship adventure. We have experienced a river cruise ship in Europe, a yacht in British Columbia, and now we are looking forward to a small ship cruise on Lake Michigan with Blount Small Ship Adventures.

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Presenting the Toyota Corolla 2014

Press Trip

LicenseSo. Hijinks did actually ensue. So, so many hijinks which included an airplane hangar, incredibly unique alcoholic beverages, people suspended in mid-air and a car that was lowered from the ceiling.

Toyota really knows how to do an event right.

However, the hijinks are not the reason it has taken me over a week to tell you about it; no, that was more about those few days after the event before we flew home being spent driving down the coast in a beautiful Venza loaned to us by Toyota – why, yes, they did invite us to this fabulous event and then kindly hand over the keys to a quite amazing red SUV and yes, we might be a teeny bit spoiled. I’ll tell all about the coast trip as well and even about the train we took which ran right along the shore and we could see surfers and sand and waves and yes, the trip was wonderful in every way.

But let me back up.

Before the event even began, we were completely spoiled by our stay at the Loew’s Santa Monica Beach Hotel which is just a few steps from the sandy beach, the fascinating Santa Monica Pier, and a short walk to Venice Beach. Although the weather didn’t particularly cooperate during our stay and we learned all about the marine inversion and June Gloom in coastal California, we still enjoyed walking on the beach and relaxing in our quite lovely room. Finally, it was time to board the bus which was transporting all the media to the Corolla Elevated Event at the Barker Hangar located at the Santa Monica airport.

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Photo Friday: Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

We were truly amazed at how clear and beautiful Elkhart Lake was. This little cove with the lily pads was especially lovely and Tom caught the reflection of the trees combined with the lily pads in an abundance of green that is wonderful.

Beautiful lake!

Beautiful lake!

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Photo Friday: Tall Ships Challenge Sunset

We were part of the media invited to the Tall Ships Challenge in Savannah, Georgia where Tom got this incredible sunset photo one evening.

Tall Ships Challenge Sunset in Savannah, Georgia

Tall Ships Challenge Sunset in Savannah, Georgia

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What’s A Fish Boil?

Fish-Boil-305x180We’ve had a Low Country boil several times before. It’s a traditional dish in the low country of Georgia, Louisiana and South Carolina—a variety of shellfish, potatoes and corn are thrown into a pot with water and seasonings and cooked until done, then served. And devoured. Quickly. Because it’s delicious.

So, we thought we knew what a fish boil would be. Boil some fish in a pot and you are done. Obviously, we had never been to Upper Great Lakes country, where the fish boil is not just a meal but a work of performance art.

No one is sure precisely where the concept of a fish boil began, but it was more than likely just a group of people with a pot and some whitefish from the local lake. Instead of going to all the trouble of frying or baking the fish, someone decided to just toss it all into a pot and boil it. Traditionally, the fish is known as “poor man’s lobster” and is covered with melted butter before eating.

When we arrived at the White Gull Inn in Door County, Wisconsin, for our first fish boil experience, most of the restaurant patrons were in back of the restaurant, admiring the roaring fire with a large, boiling pot of water perched on top. The chef gave a little talk about their fish boil, the history of fish boils, and explained what would happen next.

Read the rest of this article on Travel + Escape HERE.

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Toyota Corolla Elevated Event 2014

MH900445604Several years ago, when I was still teaching, I was invited to be part of a group of educators participating in a series of leadership building events. We did all kind of leaderish activities to make us better leaders although, frankly, I was in it for the days off school and the free lunches which were, incidentally, quite lovely. However, while enjoying not working and consuming mass quantities of food which I had not taken to school in a paper bag and stored in a community fridge, I actually managed to absorb some pretty interesting stuff.

One of the places we visited was the Toyota manufacturing plant in Georgetown, Kentucky.

Honestly, up to that point, I knew nothing about Toyota vehicles aside from the fact that everyone who owned them thought they were the best vehicles in the entire world, even possibly including the entire universe. People who owned Toyotas only owned Toyotas and never wanted to hear about the merits of any other vehicle. Frankly, they were a little annoying in their vehicle worship. On our visit, we were ushered into the Toyota plant where each and every one of us was immediately amazed at the immaculate cleanliness of the joint. As an individual who worked with wonderful but often grubby little children who had been known to hand me a library book to return, then announce that they had been sick throwing up all night – thanks ever so much for the cooties – I was particularly impressed with the cleanliness not only of the area where they ushered in visitors but, as we tooled around in our tram for a tour of the place, of the entire factory itself.

This was a place where people worked who had pride in their workplace. This same pride was reflected by the individuals who showed us around, by the workers themselves, by the spit-shine cleanliness of the machinery putting together the vehicles which were being assembled. We left with a new understanding of the Toyota worship exhibited by Toyota owners.

Now, several years later, I get to learn even more about that Toyota pride because Tom and I are headed to Santa Monica for the Corolla Elevated Event on June 6 in Santa Monica. I’m not sure exactly how we ended up on the list of media for the event unless someone in Georgetown remembered the individual in the group who couldn’t get over how freakin’ clean everything was – which I highly doubt. However we got on the list, I’m not going to question it because seriously? Santa Monica.

We are going to see the official unveiling of the Toyota Corolla 2014 which I picture as being much like a magician whipping a pristine white cloth off the car which stands on a golden pedestal, but will probably be nothing like that. I will try to get the information and some photos of the new Toyota Corolla up here on the blog as soon as possible but it depends on how late we stay at the reception on Thursday night. Normally, we are in bed and sound asleep by 11:00 but again. Santa Monica.

There may be some actual hijinks and a late night. Although now that I have used the word hijinks I have lost any shred of credibility I might have sustained about just how wild it will be.

So even though there may not be hijinks, there will be an unveiling and we are actually pretty excited about it.

Updates on aforementioned hijinks and the new (and probably immaculate) Toyota Corolla very soon.

Full disclosure: Our visit was arranged by Toyota but, as always, I will share my honest opinion about any travel experiences I have.

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Photo Friday: Bellingrath Gardens, Mobile, Alabama

We visited Bellingrath Gardens in the springtime and the incredible proliferation and variety of flowers is wonderful. Tom got this reflection photo which shows how truly amazing the garden can be.

Gorgeous flowers!

Gorgeous flowers!

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