Chicago Hostels: Affordable and Surprisingly Lovely


Photo of the Chicago Getaway Hostel. Photo courtesy of the web site.

Sponsored Post  Chicago, like any big city, is an expensive place to visit. We were shocked to be charged $20 to park when we visited the Museum Campus for a tour of the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum and almost had a coronary when we found out how much valet parking was going to be at our hotel. Pricey restaurants abound, a local food tour was $60 per person, and about the only thing free in the city is walking around – which is honestly a great way to see the Windy City. But if you really want to save money on accommodations, you should check out the varied options available by booking a stay at one of the area hostels. Many of the hostels in Chicago are a great, affordable option to staying at an absurdly expensive hotel.

We are big fans of small, interesting and local boutique hotels rather a huge chain hotel with no personality, so a good choice for anyone who agrees would be the Chicago Getaway Hostel. Check out this video about the place.

Doesn’t that sound like a nice boutique hotel?  With spacious, modern common areas, a surprisingly fabulous gourmet kitchen and a lovely outdoor patio, this place would make a great stop for a night or two – or a week!


Lounge Area. Photo courtesy of the web site.


The patio. Photo courtesy of the web site.

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A Getaway to the “Hostess City of the South”

SetWidth505-GardenKeep driving through the state of Georgia until you reach the Atlantic coast and you will find yourself in Savannah, one of the loveliest cities in the South. Huge live oak trees festooned with Spanish moss line the streets in front of sprawling, gorgeous antebellum homes, each with lush gardens more beautiful than the last. The Savannah River, wide and calm, winds through the city beside River Street where cotton warehouse established 200 years ago have been converted to quaint shops, restaurants and beautiful hotels overlooking the river.

There is an atmosphere to Savannah which is unlike any other city; a sexy, sultry, southern atmosphere which is reinforced by the warm, humid summers and the easy-going friendliness of the inhabitants of this fair city. This is not a place where they rush to get things done; this is a place where they relax on shady patios with a tall glass of sweet iced tea and watch the world go by. You are going to love it here.

Read the rest of this article on Travel Generation HERE.

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Photo Friday: Alcatraz Guard Tower

San Francisco is one of our favorite places in the whole world and a tour of Alcatraz Island is just fascinating. Tom managed to catch a sunset view through one of the guard towers on the island.

Alcatraz Tower

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Cruising Lake Michigan with Blount Small Ship Adventures

Grande Mariner2Mother Nature can be a real pain when you are trying to take a vacation.

We have experienced jellyfish and seaweed in the water on beach vacations, our GPA has punked out on us, and we have been stranded at O’Hare for hours, waiting out a snowstorm.

But we have never had weather directly impact our trip to the extent that it was drastically changed.

Until now.

We boarded our lovely cruise ship, the Grande Mariner from Blount Small Ship Adventures, at Navy Pier in Chicago in high spirits. We had spent several days in Chicago already and were ready to cruise out on the huge lake which spread to the horizon, unimaginably immense and unbelievably serene in the afternoon sun. We had never seen one of the Great Lakes until we visited Chicago in February and were fascinated with the idea of cruising on this magnificent body of water.

Grande Mariner docked at Navy Pier.

Grande Mariner docked at Navy Pier.

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Gunkholing Around Harmony Islands

Princess Louisa Inlet

Princess Louisa Inlet

It’s the quiet you notice first. Even before the lush growth of dark green evergreen trees, the granite slopes scoured by glaciers, the snow topped mountains, the waterfalls. It’s the quiet.

As we cruised along the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia in our comfortable Uncruise Adventures yacht, the Safari Quest, there was only quiet as the smooth, dark green water spread out before our hull, leading us to explore. We were “gunkholing” our way around the area – a term used in the Northwest to describe a style of boating among the island, meandering from place to place seeking out isolated anchorages and, in addition, we were seeking places to kayak, hike, view wildlife and just enjoy the location.

Read the rest of this article from Harbors Magazine HERE.

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Photo Friday: Banyan Tree in Lahaina, Maui

As we wandered around Lahaina, we came upon a craft festival and this amazingly huge banyan tree growing out and all over the place.

Banyan Tree in Maui


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Girls Getaway to the City by the Bay

MH900335186The first thing you need to know about your completely fabulous getaway to San Francisco is that you are going to be friggin’ cold. Doesn’t matter if it is winter, spring, summer or fall, this beautiful city is pretty much always chilly, especially in the evenings, especially near the bay, especially if you are actually on the bay taking at tour. So wear layers or tuck a wrap or sweater in your bag because it’s better to be prepared as the Boy Scouts always say.

Being toasty warm will help you enjoy your visit to this hospitable and friendly city where they are so very friendly that they love dogs just about as much as people. Everyone in San Francisco seems to own a dog so they are pretty much welcome everywhere, even in many of the hotels. This is certainly true at the kitschy, boutique Argonaut Hotel which is located in the historic Haslett Warehouse right on Fisherman’s Wharf. The gorgeous brick building offers truly unique accommodations, many with exposed brick walls and wooden beams and views of the Golden Gate Bridge. Built in 1907 but beautifully restored, you will enjoy the warm fireplace in the lobby and the complimentary hosted evening wine hour.

Read the rest of this article on HERE.

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Don’t Forget the Bonine or Why I Will Never Again Eat A Chocolate Covered Cherry

MH900433824I like to think I’m pretty travel savvy. I have learned to pack (somewhat) lighter in that I don’t take nearly as many pairs of shoes as I truly desire.

I print all my contact information and tuck it neatly into my suitcase in case it is ever – God forbid – lost with all my fabulous shoes, they will be able to contact me. I have copies of all my important papers emailed to myself and in the cloud although I’m not totally sure what the cloud is but Tom assures me that it exists.

And I carefully, borderline obsessively, take Bonine when I am on any sort of moving conveyance because I have had the seasickness, the air sickness, and lo! even the train sickness and never again!

So, when we took our last, quite fabulous cruise to British Columbia, I carefully popped a Bonine before I ever set foot on the yacht. As we set sail, I felt pretty damn smug. I had planned, packed, and thought about every single tiny detail for this trip and I was just possibly the best traveler in the history of traveling.

I might possibly have been just a smidgen too smug.

Because later that night, as I sat on our bed reading a book and polishing off the last of a rather large package of chocolate covered cherries, I began to feel a wee bit squiggy. My tummy was just a teeny bit flippy floppy. After the completely horrendous experience that ensued, I finally realized that I had become complacent about my seasickness after cruising on huge ocean liners which barely moved as they crossed the mighty oceans because I was only taking one Bonine a day.

We might as well have been staying at a Holiday Inn in Bayonne, New Jersey for all the motion we felt on those ships. The Bonine pills were actually only designed to work for 12 hours and were really only a placebo for the rest of the time on the ocean liners.

The pills we had taken had worn off several hours previously.

And this was no Holiday Inn in Bayonne, New Jersey.

This was a small and quite delightfully comfortable yacht which was riding the waves like a bucking bronco.

On acid.

That was the only night we rode that bucking bronco; the rest of the week the water was as smooth as glass and just as pretty. And we had immediately picked up some of the seasickness patches and slapped them on Victoria..

But that one night was quite enough.

Tom had trustingly turned over all seasickness-related medication to me so he had also taken a pill much earlier. A pill that had also worn off hours previously. So, as I sat there with my tummy getting progressively more into quite active calisthenics, he sat up quite suddenly and announced that he did not feel good. Not at all. Then he dashed to the bathroom and proved his statement by neatly getting rid of everything he had eaten in the last 24 or possibly 48 hours.

The gut-wrenching sounds were all it took to make my stomach go from slightly squiggy to emergency emergency empty stomach contents immediately!

Luckily, I managed to wait until he was finished until I also divested myself of everything ingested anytime in the past day or week or possibly month.

Tom and I have had a lot of completely fabulous travel experiences together.

This was not one of them.

We spent the entire, long, and absolutely horrible night taking turns in the bathroom. At one point, we couldn’t take turns because it was so bad we were both in there…I leave that up to your imagination. Let me just say that we both apologized profusely to the cleaning staff the next day.

At some point, we gave up on all decorum or any attempt at giving the other person some privacy and the one sitting on the floor simply turned their head away as the one hugging the toilet made horrible and quite inhuman sounds.

We thought we were going to die.

Then we were afraid we would not die and would spend the rest of our lives in that bathroom.

Although I had eaten the chocolate covered cherries last, in some spectacularly ridiculous and quite unnatural manner, they were the last to leave my tummy.

So, whenever I think of that night – at times when we are traveling and I think nothing could get worse than what I am experiencing, I remember oh yes it can – I remember those chocolate covered cherries making a second appearance.

And that is why I will never, ever, ever, eat another one.


Best travel advice EVAH. Take the Bonine as directed. You will be fine.

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Photo Friday: Glacier Bay, Alaska

We were both absolutely amazed when we saw a glacier in Alaska for the first time. Tom managed to catch the greens and blues and the glacier, the mountains, the sky and the water in this photo.

Glacier in Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska

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10 Tips for the Perfect “Babymoon” Getaway

MH900370436Many years ago when I had children, the concept of a “babymoon” had yet to come about. Now, babymoons are all the rage with young, expectant couples planning that one last lovely fling before they settle down to diaper changing and sleepless nights. Here are 10 tips for planning the perfect babymoon.

1. Go early

You don’t want to go into labour on your babymoon, so a trip during your first or second trimester is your best bet. Many airlines won’t let you fly when you are further along anyway, and even a long car trip is not a great idea when you are toting that protruding tummy. Besides, by the end of the pregnancy, you may start to feel more animosity than affection towards the man who got you into this condition, which doesn’t bode well for a romantic getaway.

Read the rest of this article on Travel + Escape HERE.

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