Why Complain About Winter? Three Michigan Resorts to Enjoy a Cozy Getaway

Evening at Crystal Mountain.

Evening at Crystal Mountain.

Yeah, traffic may be backed up because of those drivers who are freaked out by ice and snow, the temperatures are so low you simply can’t put on enough clothing, and school has been called off yet again. Why not forget about all that and actually enjoy this fabulous winter? This is pretty easy to do if you head to Michigan to check out three equally marvelous resorts, all of which provide enough winter sports fun to make you think that winter might turn out to be your favorite season after all.

The Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, Michigan, located near Traverse City, boasts an incredible, soaring, 17-story glass tower of luxury hotel rooms with an amazing view of the surrounding, snow-covered fields, in addition to the Shores Condominiums overlooking East Grand Traverse Bay. There’s plenty to do at the resort and the surrounding area includes lots of microbreweries and wineries but our favorite activity was dog sledding. Second Chance Mushers is a Siberian husky and Alaskan malamute rescue group which tries to rescue and foster as many dogs as possible. The dogs are also used as sled dogs and they seem to absolutely love it. Every single one was frantic with excitement and couldn’t wait to pull our dog sled around in the snow covering the expansive golf course at the resort. After a day in the snow, we were ready for dinner at the gourmet restaurant, Aerie, which is located on the 16th floor of the tower. Surrounded by large windows, the restaurant has the best view in the entire resort. You may forget all about the view when you try the incredible food. Locally sourced as much as possible and garnished with an international flair, it was one of the best meals we had on our winter getaway.

Read the rest of this article on Travelhoppers HERE.

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Photo Friday: Snowy Beach Chairs at The Grand Geneva Resort

It was ironic to see these chairs, designed to relax and enjoy the view of the golf course, buried in snow at The Grand Geneva Resort.

Beach Chairs in Snow at The Grand Geneva Resort

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10 Things to Do in Michigan If You Don’t Love Skiing

We had no intention of skiing when we planned the Great Snow Trip of 2014; we just wanted to see snow. And lots of it. This is a little ironic since the majority of the places we stayed were technically ski resorts, although they were also four season resorts and many were actually busier in the summer. We are not skiers. But we are very serious aficionados of sitting in front of a fire whilst drinking hot chocolate and watching other people ski.

What could be better?

Well, we did technically get out into the snow quite a bit. And then we sat in front of the fire drinking hot chocolate. It’s a win-win situation.

We knew we would snowshoe since we had experienced that for the first time last winter in Door County and adored it. And we were pretty open to anything else at these fabulous resorts and we soon discovered that there were a lot of options for non-skiers. So what can you do when you head to Michigan for a winter getaway? Quite a lot, actually.

Cross country skiing.

Cross country skiing.

1. You can cross-country ski. We were not interested in downhill skiing, although Tom surprised me when he said he might actually like to try it the next time we go. We went to a really interesting meeting on our last day at Crystal Mountain with a guy named Rick Robb who has a group of “Retired Not Tired” individuals of varying abilities who are taking lessons and either learning or re-learning to ski.  I’m excited that Tom wants to try. I’ll take photos. Although we were leery of downhill skiing, we were very open to trying cross-country skiing. We had our first and, at the time, we thought our last cross-country skiing lesson at the Grand Traverse Resort. They were wonderful to us, helping us with borrowing the equipment and providing us with a one-on-one lesson but neither of us could hardly stand, much less ski. We gave up after about 20 minutes. In hindsight, we think the fact that there had been an icy rain on top of the snow may have made it much harder than it would normally be so we plan to give it another shot. We suggest you give it a try if downhill skiing sounds a little too intimidating.

2. You can snowshoe. This is, without a doubt, our favorite winter activity. It is easy for just about anyone – although putting on the snowshoes is a learning experience – and the peace and quiet of sliding through pristine, white snow on a clear, gorgeous winter day is absolutely unparalleled. Although we had snowshoeing opportunities almost everywhere we went, I think we made a wise choice to snowshoe at the Art Legacy Park at Crystal Mountain. We were the only people around and it was just a wonderful experience. However, you can snowshoe pretty much anywhere at the resort except the downhill slopes and cross-country trails. You can rent snowshoes for a very reasonable price and get maps of the trails at the Park at Water’s Edge.

3. You can go dog sledding. I had seen that dog sledding was available on the web site for the Grand Traverse Resort and we were able to experience this on the morning before

Dog sledding.

Dog sledding.

we left. We both loved everything about it. Second Chance Mushers is a husky and malamute rescue group that both teaches the dogs to pull sleds and puts some

of them up for adoption. Skimming along on that sled through the snow with the dogs howling for joy was just incomparable. We were really surprised when we arrived at Crystal Mountain and they had arranged a sled dog ride for us as well. We really though it might be the same group but instead it was a completely different experience with Sled Dog Express, another dog rescue group. This experience

was even better because the trail was very isolated, snow-covered, and you could forget you were anywhere near civilization but instead in the middle of a Jack London novel.

4. You can try fat tire biking. We had never even heard of fat tire biking before we visited Crystal Mountain but we were willing to give it a try as we love bike riding. Be aware that, although this is a lot of fun, it’s a pretty hard workout, especially on new fallen snow. The bikes are like mountain bikes with extra fat tires and you can rent them really cheaply, then spend some time tooling around on the trails.

5. You can ice skate. Ice skating was available on a variety of rinks at every resort although it’s not something we did on this trip. The most appealing rink I saw by far was the quiet one hidden away behind the Lilyjade salon at The Homestead when I was getting my nails done. A father and his young daughter were skating in the early evening and the trees surrounding the frozen pond, the snow slowly turning blue in the dusky dark, and the bright colors of their jackets as they skimmed around the ice looked like a winter postcard.

Best. Pizza. Ever.

Best. Pizza. Ever.

6. You can eat. It’s safe to say that we are big fans of eating since we have an entire section of the blog devoted to foodie reviews. This trip was no exception as we ate our way through Michigan with zeal and determination. Every place we stayed at had absolutely amazing food but one of our best experiences was at the Ristorante Brissago at the Grand Geneva Resort. I think one reason we were so amazed was that our expectations were low – just another Italian restaurant, right? So, so, SO wrong. Everything they serve is made from ingredients imported directly from Italy and you just can’t believe what a huge difference this makes in the taste. Favoloso!

7. You can visit a spa. We were lucky to be offered spa experiences at almost every resort and they were all special in their own way. The Homestead had a small, cozy spa with an incredible view of Lake Michigan. Crystal Mountain had a huge spa with one of the nicest lounge areas, complete with a fireplace that we have ever seen. And The Grand Traverse Resort has a lovely spa that was conveniently located off the lobby of the tower where we were staying so we could just float up to our room for a much-needed nap after our massages.

8. You can walk on the beach. It might sound crazy in the winter, but many of the resorts are popular summer locations, situated near gorgeous beaches on local bays and lakes. The Homestead and Crystal Mountain are both near

Warm up!

Warm up!

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park on Lake Michigan with miles of sandy beaches running beside the clear, blue lake. Check out the amazing ice formations and even unique ice balls the lake forms in the winter.

9. You can hit an indoor water park. This was not something we did but, after a tour, we would love to return to the Timber Ridge Lodge and Waterpark sometime with our water-loving grandson. Located on the same property as the Grand Geneva Resort, this indoor (and outdoor in the summer) location would be a great way to spend an afternoon away from the snow.

10. You can lounge in front of a fire. You haven’t really enjoyed a roaring fire until you have spent an afternoon in the snow, come inside, pulled off your coat and boots and plopped down to warm up. We had fireplaces everyplace we

stayed but the cozy fireplace in our suite at The Homestead was one of our favorites.

Full disclosure: Our stays were provided by the various resorts but as always, we will share my honest opinions about any travel experiences we have.

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Photo Friday: Rental Home in Snow at Crystal Mountain

We loved seeing all the accommodations at Crystal Mountain; each was more beautiful than the last.

Rental Home in Snow at Crystal Mountain

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Searching for Snow: Crystal Mountain Winter Activities

Resort with Snow RevisedHosted Activity

So I have already told you about the lovely people, the fabulous food, and the amazingly cozy cottage we stayed in during our visit to Crystal Mountain.

Now I want to tell you how we spent our time.

Which was by cramming it with as many activities as we possibly could in the short time we had.

Well, look. Here’s just a sample of everything you can do at this quite fabulous place.

First, we went dog sledding. We had been dog sledding for the very first time at The Grand Traverse Resort just a couple of days before and adored it so we couldn’t believe it when Crystal Mountain also offered us an opportunity to dog sled.

Sled Dog Express provided the dog sledding adventures at Crystal Mountain and, like Second Chance Mushers, they use rescue dogs. Unlike Second Chance though, they don’t use only huskys and malamutes but pretty much any good size dog that has a willingness to pull. The sled dog rides are offered through a gorgeous area of the resort with thick snow and trees so you begin to think you really are in the middle of the Alaskan Klondike.

Getting ready for a ride.

Getting ready for a ride.

An amazing shot of the sled, snow, and woods.

An amazing shot of the sled, snow, and woods.

When it was Tom’s turn to ride, he decided he wanted to take the camera along and get some shots from the rider’s point of view.

Dog Sledding

boots in dog sledIt was amazing and we loved every second of this experience. It was truly one of the best things we did during our entire snow getaway.

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Women in Travel Summit, Chicago, 2014

Globe-Speaking-300I had some illusion that Chicago would be warm and lovely in March.

Not so much.

In fact, I was shocked to see that there could actually be snow flurries when we are there. That does away with my plan to casually stroll from our Embassy Suites Lakefront location to the Women in Travel Summit location in Chicago.

Yeah, that’s OK.

I can bundle up one more time before spring actually arrives to participate in what looks like it will be a truly amazing conference for women travelers. I stumbled across the information about this conference a few months ago when they were looking for speakers and, because I used to speak often at conferences when I was a School Media Librarian, I casually submitted an idea, never dreaming it would be accepted because surely there are so many women travelers much more competent than me. I was confident I could handle the gig since I had spoken at so many previous conferences, even international conferences, but I was honestly surprised and really honored when they accepted my proposal.

Now that they have most of the speakers listed on the web site, I feel even more honored and maybe a trifle awed by some of these people. I will never forget when we met The Gypsy Nesters on a press trip for Toyota and, when I was introduced to them, Veronica immediately said “Oh, yes! Wanderlustwonder”! I felt like Sally Field at the Academy Awards – she actually knew who I was!

I have been reading Ayngelina Brogan’s posts for quite a while and Evelyn Hannon is really inspiring and…well…you get the idea. I’m going to be in great company. I just hope I can measure up to these amazing women.

Women travelers, whether we travel alone, with a significant other, or even with a group, are important and special. We like to be pampered in a spa but we also like to hike to the top of mountains. We like a fabulous meal in a restaurant overlooking the ocean but we also like to sample local foods from a food cart. We like to return to places we love but we also like new experiences.

We like the beach and glaciers, mountains and deserts, deep forests and forgotten valleys.  We like fabulous shoes and pretty dresses and we like jeans and t-shirts. We will try new things because we are adventurous and we will watch our friends try new things and take photos because we will wet our pants if we have to zipline.

Our women friends are more precious to us than anything in the world. We love deeply, trust fully, give ourselves completely, and open ourselves to all the heartbreak and joy this can bring.

We are unique and special yet we are alike in many ways.

We are women travelers and that is pretty damn awesome.

If you haven’t signed up for the Women in Travel Summit, check it out.

See you there.

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Photo Friday: Unloading Salt on the Mississippi River

During our riverboat cruise on the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Tom got this shot of a crane unloading salt from a barge.

Moving Salt

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The Unexpected Drury Inn and Suites in Findlay, Ohio

Hotel SignHosted Accommodations




My expectations were pretty low.

We are not normally fans of chain hotels. We prefer to stay in smaller, locally owned, boutique hotels that are a little more interesting.

We have now officially changed our minds.

If there is a Drury Hotel nearby, we may very well be staying there and we recommend you do the same, especially if you are traveling with a family.

When I planned the Great Snow Getaway of 2014, I had every single detail planned. Every. One.


I forgot to calculate how long it would take us from one of those points to another, especially since we needed to be at the next point early in the morning. So we needed a place to stay for one night. Someplace that was about halfway between where we were and where we needed to go. Someplace like…check out the map, calculate the distances…someplace like Findlay, Ohio. When I checked to see what hotels were located in the fabulous Findlay, Ohio, I noticed there was a Drury Inn and Suites. And I had a brainstorm. We had tried to work with Drury Hotels on our visit to St. Louis but they were booked up. They were so nice and so concerned that we should check out Drury Hotels in the future that they actually sent us a gift certificate for a free night.

Which was sitting at home on my desk.

With trepidation, I emailed Kim Torrence, the eMarketing Manager for Drury Hotels. We would like to take advantage of their kind offer but…uh…we didn’t exactly how the gift certificate with us. Could she help? Well, of course she could. Within the space of a few minutes, I got an email confirming our stay at the Drury Hotel in Findlay, Ohio.  We were relieved to have a place to lay our weary heads but not precisely excited about our stay.

That, of course, was before we arrived at the quite, quite lovely Drury Inn and Suites.

The Drury family of hotels actually encompasses several different brands, including the Drury Plaza Hotels which offer a more upscale environment and the Pear Tree Inns which are more bargain priced. The Drury brothers – that’s right, these hotels are 100% family owned – built their very first hotel, a Holiday Inn, in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. After making money on the rooms side of the business only to lose it all on the restaurant and lounge side, they settled on a new hotel concept that separated the rooms from the food & beverage operations. The first Drury Inn opened in Sikeston, Missouri, with a rate of $10.88 per night, after learning that you always give the customer more than what they could get at any other hotel like extras that don’t cost extra. In 1986, Drury became the first hotels to offer the QUIKSTART® free breakfast which includes not stale Danish and lukewarm coffee but a full, hot breakfast. In 2009, they rolled out the Kickback® which is basically a free dinner for anyone staying in the hotel. For eight consecutive years (2006 – 2013) the folks at J.D. Power and Associates have recognized Drury Hotels with the award for “Highest in Guest Satisfaction Among Mid-Scale Hotel Chains”.

What does that tell you about their quality?

Chuck Drury, President of Drury Hotels Company, LLC., sums it up, “We’re different from the big franchise chains. We build, own and operate all of our hotels. Our focus is ensuring that our guests get more for their dollar than at our competitors. If we provide a consistent experience at every one of our hotels, we believe we can be the first choice as a home away from home.”

We didn’t know any of this at the time, of course.

All we knew was that we pulled up in front of a very nice looking, brick hotel and we didn’t have to fight any hotel employees to get a luggage cart to transport our own luggage. Carts were neatly lined up by the door and we loaded one up, grateful to save a little money by not having to tip anyone.

Drury Inn and Suites, Findlay, Ohio. Photo courtesy of the hotel.

Drury Inn and Suites, Findlay, Ohio. Photo courtesy of the hotel.

The lobby area was, quite simply, amazing. Large, immaculate, and nicely designed, it had an entire area furnished with comfortable furniture, a large screen television, and a fireplace. This was particularly impressive to us since we had recently stayed in a similar chain hotel in California where we had to wait in the lobby for our room to be ready and I am here to tell you that the lobby was nothing like this.

Fabulous, comfortable furniture in the lobby.

Fabulous, comfortable furniture in the lobby.



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Searching for Snow: Crystal Mountain

Hosted Accommodations

The first “Searching for Snow” article is HERE and the second is HERE. And our adventure continues.

The Great Snow Trip of 2014.

The Great Snow Trip of 2014.

Resort with Snow RevisedThere were things we adored about every single one of the destinations we visited on our snow trip but the accommodations at the lovely Crystal Mountain are at the very top of the list.

Although just about every place we visited offered skiing, Crystal Mountain was the only true ski resort that we visited and we loved the deep snow everywhere at this gorgeous place. And, even though we are not skiers, we loved watching the skiers flying down the slopes and just soaking up the whole we-are-at-a-ski-resort atmosphere.

You can ski on 48 downhill slopes, cross-country ski on 40+ kilometers of groomed trails and snowshoe over 80 acres of wooded hills and valleys.

Yes, all of that was wonderful and we had every snow experience imaginable but our cottage. Our cottage.

We loved it.

After a drive along quiet country roads with more snow lined up along the shoulder than we had seen on our entire trip, we pulled into the perfectly charming resort grounds and checked in. We were directed to the White Tail cottage, one of the Cottages at Waters Edge which were just about half a block from where we were. We pulled up in front of our absolutely darling two bedroom cottage and one of us squealed with delight. Tom has a tendency to get excited.

Oh, I kid. I’m the one who was the most excited about our cottage although once we trekked through the snow to check it out, we were both thrilled. This little neighborhood of two and three bedroom cottages is apparently surrounded by flowing streams and waterscaping which I am sure is just lovely in the summer but was covered in deep snow during our visit. That was fine – we were both excited about the deep snow. The cottage had a full kitchen, roomy living room with a cozy gas fireplace, a washer and dryer, a screened porch and sun deck (which would also be nice in the summer) and one bedroom downstairs and one up, each with two full baths, one with a huge tub which I always appreciate.




Cottages at Waters Edge in Summer. Photo courtesy of the resort.

Cottages at Waters Edge in Summer. Photo courtesy of the resort.

Our deck was not technically usable when we were there.

Our snow covered deck chairs.

Our snow covered deck chairs.

We didn’t move our truck until we left and then had to deal with the accumulated snow – something we are definitely not used to in Kentucky!

Our snow covered truck!

Our snow covered truck!

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Photo Friday: In a Snow Globe at The Homestead

We got a lot of great snow photos when we were in Michigan but I love this one taken at The Homestead because it looks like you are inside an amazing snow globe.

Snow Globe at The Homestead


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