Hallmark Resort in Cannon Beach, Oregon

Cannon Beach in SandHosted Accommodations



Staying at the Hallmark Resort in Cannon Beach was actually just an extremely happy accident.

Before our Un-Cruise Adventures cruise on the Columbia and Snake Rivers, we decided we should see a little bit of Oregon since we had never been there. Since I am the beach lover and Tom is the mountain lover, we compromised and went to both.

I knew absolutely nothing about the Oregon coast but didn’t want to drive too far from Portland where the cruise was embarking so I narrowed it down to towns that were not too far from Portland. And then I just proceeded to contact several of them to see who would like to work with us on a press visit.  I had several replies but when I checked out the Hallmark Resort in Cannon Beach there was no question about where we would stay because it looked wonderful.

And it was.

In every single way.

After flying into Portland, we picked up our rental car and drove straight to the coast. It was a beautiful drive but nothing unusual that we hadn’t seen in other states; mountains, pine trees, winding roads. Finally, we reached a point where our GPS told us we were only five minutes from the coast. Tom scoffed.

“There is no way we are that close to the beach. We are in the middle of the mountains. The GPS must be wrong”.

Five minutes later, we were at the coast.

This was our first introduction to the idea that Oregon is not like anyplace else. In Oregon, the mountains go right to the shore. And then they continue into the water. This provided a stunningly beautiful coastline which kept us awed with its beauty right up until our last day at the coast.


Hallmark Resort is located right in front of Haystack Rock which is an iconic tourist destination in Cannon Beach. We had a vague idea that Haystack Rock was some sort of boulder on the beach and this is accurate as far as it goes but, in reality, Haystack Rock is truly astonishing. It’s actually a towering monolith which is home to all kinds of nesting birds and marine invertebrates like starfish all year long. Tidepools, which are created when the tide is low, are home to a variety of sealife. Read more »

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Categories: Accommodations, Beach, Cannon Beach, Cities, Countries, Cruises, Family Travel, Oregon, Resorts, Travel with Children, Un-Cruise Adventures, United States | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Photo Friday: Lower Lewis River Falls

Beautiful location at the Lower Lewis River Falls.

Lower Lewis River Falls

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Hotel Highland, Birmingham, Alabama

Birmingham Hosted Accommodations



It’s lucky that Birmingham is on the way to Florida as it makes a perfect stopping place to create a car trip that is a leisurely pleasure instead of one that leaves you exhausted when you arrive. It’s even luckier that the darling little upscale, boutique hotel, the Hotel Highland, is located in Birmingham and that we were able to spend the night there recently.

Because it’s quite, quite lovely.

Hotel Highland.

Hotel Highland.

Located in the middle of the trendy Five Points South neighborhood near the University of Alabama – Birmingham and plenty of local tourist attractions, the Hotel Highland is really situated in a great location. With several excellent local restaurants and shops located an easy walk from the hotel, you really don’t even need your car after the valet parks it for you.

We pulled up in front of the hotel and headed into the quiet lobby which gives a fabulous first impression of the hotel. Rich, vibrant jewel tone colors enhance the modern vibe of the area with comfortable, plush furniture.

Comfortable seating in the beautiful lobby.

Comfortable seating in the beautiful lobby.

More lobby seating and modern décor.

More lobby seating and modern décor.

Modern artwork in the lobby.

Modern artwork in the lobby.

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Categories: Accommodations, Alabama, Birmingham, Cities, Countries, Family Travel, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, United States | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cruising the Islands of New England

An old lighthouse and the bridge to the island.

An old lighthouse and the bridge to the island.

If you have never visited New England, as we hadn’t, a cruise of the area is the best way to visit and really enjoy your trip. And the Islands of New England cruise on the Grande Caribe from Blount Small Ship Adventures is the best cruise to take. One of the most wonderful things about cruising is that you can take your cozy, comfortable cabin along with you on your travels! Unpack once, then spend your week relaxing on board as you drift along visiting some of the most well-known locations in New England.

The Grande Caribe is not an overwhelmingly huge cruise ship; instead, it has space for about eighty passengers in small but comfortable staterooms and is just the right size to be homey. The lounge area on the main deck is furnished with plenty of comfortable upholstered furniture and tables for playing games, reading, or simply enjoying the passing scenery. The adjoining bar area includes soda dispensers, where you are welcome to fill a glass with ice and a drink whenever you want, and space for the liquor and wine bottles that Blount encourages you to bring aboard. Not only do they welcome you to bring aboard your own liquor and wine – they even provide snacks and mixers to accompany them, and there are two very nice cocktail parties during the weeklong cruise that serve scrumptious hot appetizers.

Read the rest of this article on Travelhoppers HERE.

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Photo Friday: Fall View of Mt. St. Helens

We actually didn’t see a lot of fall color in Oregon but managed to catch some on a day trip to view Mt. St. Helens.

Fall Leaves Mt St Helens

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Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!


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Family Getaway to the Ocean Ritz in Panama City Beach

Hosted Accommodations

My goal in life is to be half as cool as my mom is when I am 89. From her, I inherited my height, long legs, and great complexion.

Thanks, Mom.

My mom on the beach in the 1950's.

My mom on the beach in the 1950’s.

She also taught me how to shop for bargains, how to dress nicely no matter what the occasion, and how to be a true lady of the south. Bless her heart. She also took our family to the beautiful Gulf Coast regularly so that when you say vacation, I say beach.

I'm the blonde kid.

I’m the blonde kid.

Born in Pensacola, a true Florida native, and a lover of the white sand beaches of the Gulf Coast, she announced a few months ago that she wanted to see the beach one last time.

And I, her travel writer daughter, decided to make that happen.

Luckily, I have worked with Sterling Resorts several times in the past and, when they heard that my mom wanted to visit the beach, they offered us a perfectly lovely, oceanfront condo at the Ocean Ritz Resort.

The Ocean Ritz Resort. Photo courtesy of Sterling Resorts.

The Ocean Ritz Resort. Photo courtesy of Sterling Resorts.

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Categories: Beach, Cities, Countries, Family Travel, Florida, Panama City Beach, Resorts, United States | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Photo Friday: Ecola State Park, Oregon

We simply could not get over how beautiful the coast of Oregon was; Ecola State Park near Cannon Beach was especially gorgeous.

Ecola State Park

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Pirates, Pralines, and Spanish Moss: A Travel Guide to Savannah and Tybee Island, Georgia

Book CoverSo.

I wrote a book.


An ebook.

It was a lot of work.

A whole lot of work.

I actually sat for one day at my computer for 14 hours straight.

But it’s done. And I’m kinda proud of myself.

So maybe you would like to read it? I hope so. It’s all about Savannah and Tybee Island, two of my favorite places. It has suggestions for places to stay, where to eat, what tours to take, and even some recipes! So why not order it.  Just click on the book jacket above or over there on the right. You can read it on a Kindle or just download the Kindle app and read it. Just read it!

And then let me know what you think. I can’t wait to hear!!

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Categories: Accommodations, Beach, Cities, Countries, Georgia, Hotels, House, Savannah, United States | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tuscan Breeze, Fabulous Destin Vacation Home

Italian Villa

Hosted Accommodations

Before we booked our most recent beach house, I thought most rental companies were pretty much the same. Some not very organized or easy to reach like the one in Palm Springs who, when we stopped by to pick up our key, were nowhere to be found and had artfully hidden the key in a location where we thought we would never find it and have to stay in a hotel since they were impossible to reach.

Some quite nice like the one who made a concerted effort to locate extra parking for us close to our condo for some in our group who could not walk far.

And then there is Ocean Reef Resorts in Destin, Florida. Who are, without a doubt, the best and most professional vacation rental company we have ever worked with.

Because we were on a trip with my brother and sister-in-law, I had one kind of quirky desire in our beach rental. Although my SIL and I are beach lovers of the intensity that can only be described as MAXIMUM, my husband and brother? Not so much. In fact, they could have been perfectly happy in a house that was located pretty much anywhere – as long as they could lie on the couch, watch movies, and play video games. So I wanted two couches. One for each of our well-loved but pain in the ass couch potatoes.

Ocean Reef Resorts had kindly found us a perfectly lovely condo that was just a few feet from the beach with a quite lovely view. Sigh. Perfect for me and my SIL. Not so much for the guys. So I spent time looking through all their rentals trying to find a place that was equally lovely but had two couches. Found one. Reluctantly gave up on our quite fabulous oceanfront property and asked to switch to Tuscan Breeze.

No problem. Ocean Reef Resorts switched us quite happily.

Because we had to vacate our rental in Panama City Beach early in the day where we had just spent a few days with the rest of the family, we were stuck with a few hours to kill. Could we possibly, possibly check in early to Tuscan Breeze?

No problem. Ocean Reef Resorts let us check in early. They gave us a door code and we had no problems getting into our lovely home for the week. Then we just called when we were leaving, closed the door and left. No hassle checking in or out at all. We didn’t even have to go to the office unless we had a problem and I feel sure they would have addressed said problem in record time.

This was the point when I began to suspect that we were not dealing with your average rental company.

But it wasn’t until I actually visited their offices that I realized this is absolutely not your average rental company. They have some of the nicest offices I have ever seen with a completely local and friendly staff that can easily recommend restaurants, shopping, and activities since they live here and know the area. They have a very professionally done magazine, are working on an even better website, have a complete recording studio where they plan to make videos to post on their web site, and even have a realty office where they sell property.

I was super impressed with Ocean Reef Resorts but still just a teeny bit unhappy about giving up our beachfront property, even though it was completely my choice.

Until I actually saw Tuscan Breeze.

Tuscan Breeze, our home away from home.

Tuscan Breeze, our home away from home.

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