Stop, Drop, and Roll – Not a Fire Alarm but the Perfect Way to Pack!

LuggageI used to take an exorbitant amount of clothing when I traveled. Used to car trips where we had plenty of room and no weight restrictions, I crammed everything in just in case I might change my mind about what to wear. So when I began to travel more often by air, I had some serious adjustments to make in packing attitude. Some people manage to walk on a plane with one small carry-on or backup but that person is not me; I still need some choices and want to look fashionable at all times. However, I have learned to narrow down what I choose to pack and to also to pack more conscientiously and logically. I don’t need quite so many choices!

 I still take a bag that is fairly full, but I also take one that is very light when empty and I leave a little room for shopping at my destination, which is inevitable. There’s all kind of tips on the Internet about packing light, what to pack, and how much to take, but it’s really an individual choice. I have no intention of wearing the same few items several times, for instance, or taking a monochromatic wardrobe.

So here’s what I have learned about packing and what allows me to take what I want, be happy and still not have an overweight, overpacked suitcase.

1. STOP. What kind of suitcase are you using? When my husband and I first started traveling seriously, we both had complete sets of that bulking canvas luggage. You know the kind I mean – it’s a set with all the matching pieces, each of which is extremely heavy before you even start packing them. We struggled along for a long while, progressively getting more and more annoyed with the limitations of our suitcases.

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Photo Friday: Tree in Cannon Beach

The wind from the ocean at Cannon Beach caused this tree to grow in an awkward position.

Cannon Beach Tree

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It’s a Great Location, but Does It Have a Free Breakfast?

BreakfastI took a bite of the delicious, hot quiche I was enjoying in our fabulous Carson Ridge Luxury Cabin in Carson, Oregon and just about swooned with pleasure. Not only was the breakfast delicious in every conceivable way, but it was even packed in a large basket and hand-delivered with an ice cold carafe of orange juice right to our door. I was enjoying breakfast in my pajamas in one of the most luxurious cabins I have ever visited. Along with the sumptuous breakfast included in the rate for the cabin, we enjoyed our huge Jacuzzi tub, flat screen television, and huge King size bed.

No matter how magnificent your accommodations may be, doesn’t an included breakfast just add “the icing to the cake”? Or, in our case, “the syrup to the pancakes” like we enjoyed at Paulette’s Restaurant, located in the River Inn of Harbor Town in Memphis, Tennessee. Not only did we have a beautiful suite with a view of the sparkling river, but we could just saunter down to the restaurant and order anything we wanted right off the menu every morning. It was all included in the price of our accommodations.

Read the rest of this article on Travelhoppers HERE.

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Cruise Tour on the Rum Runner II in Newport, Rhode Island

sailboatSince Newport, Rhode Island is an island (news to us until we actually visited), one of the best ways to see the place is from the water. A cruise tour with Classic Cruises of Newport was the way we accomplished this and it was one of the highlights of our visit.

We did spend a little time wandering around the dock area trying to find the right place to board the Rum Runner II so allow some time before your cruise as there are several docks and it’s a bit of a challenge finding the right one.

Classic Cruises offers a variety of tours throughout the summer on both sailing and power boats including sunset harbor cruises and a number of cruise tours which offer amazing views of Newport Harbor and Narragansett Bay.

We decided on a high-speed yacht tour on the classic speedboat Rum Runner II where we would “evoke the intrigue and luxury of her smuggling days along the waterfront” – sounds perfect! It was a gorgeous, sunny summer afternoon when we finally located the right dock and clambered aboard the comfortable speedboat.

Rum Runner II - beautiful!

Rum Runner II – beautiful!

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The Amazing Skamania Lodge

LodgeWe don’t actually have plans yet for New Year’s Eve but if we could choose the absolutely perfect spot to spend it, that spot would be the beautiful Skamania Lodge in Washington State.

They are offering a special getaway deal that includes accommodations, a dinner credit, and you can even add on their New Year’s Eve Ballroom Bash.

And I am here to tell you that you should definitely book this because the food.

Oh yes, the food is amazing.

When we took our epic Oregon trip in October, we took a little detour into Washington state to spend some time in the amazing Columbia River Gorge. While looking for some interesting, local places to have dinner, I stumbled on the web site for the Skamania Lodge and was so impressed with how beautiful it looked, I contacted them to see if they would be interested in hosting us for dinner one night and that’s how we ended up having the best meal of our entire trip.

A traditionally charming Cascadian-style lodge tucked away in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, this location also offers modern technology and all the amenities and recreational choices you can imagine. Hiking, biking, whitewater rafting, fishing, or just relaxing in front of a warm fireplace or visiting the beautiful and relaxing Waterleaf Spa are all options at this fabulous place. They even have one of the finest meeting venues in the Pacific Northwest.

The beautiful Skamania Lodge. Photo courtesy of the Lodge.

The beautiful Skamania Lodge. Photo courtesy of the Lodge.

We took a tour of the lodge and were really impressed with how beautiful this place really is – the amazing views! –  the truly lovely accommodations, the challenging golf course, and the relaxing atmosphere everywhere. We were also extremely impressed with how nice and friendly everyone was; every single employee seemed to really enjoy working here.

View from the lobby.

View from the lobby.

Who would ever want to leave here??

Who would ever want to leave here??

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Touring Oregon in our Amazing Toyota Rav4

animals driving a carI relaxed back in the comfy seat of our RAV4, stretching out my legs, and just enjoying the leg room and comfort after hours on the plane flying from Kentucky to Oregon.

Toyota had done an extremely excellent job of turning us into rabid fans simply by inviting us to a Toyota event last year and kindly loaning us a Venza to drive for our tour of the California coast.

We were amazed at everything we had not previously known about Toyota, so much so that we came home and immediately bought a Toyota. Now, that is good marketing.

We love our FJ Cruiser in every way – Tom is especially fond of it (understatement of the year right there) but we really appreciated it when we headed for the deep snow of Michigan last winter.

We are not used to a lot of snow in Kentucky so Michigan was quite an experience for us and our trusty FJ Cruiser plowed through anything Michigan offered.

Our FJ Cruiser in front of our Michigan cottage.

Our FJ Cruiser in front of our Michigan cottage.

Yep. That's a lot of snow.

Yep. That’s a lot of snow.

So, when we knew we were going to spend a week driving around Oregon, we decided to give another Toyota model a try. One of my girlfriends had been driving a darling little black Rav4 for years and I always loved it so we asked to use a Rav4 for the week.

And Toyota said why sure. We will have that Rav4 waiting for you at the airport. No problem. How nice is that?

And so they did.

We disembarked the plane with a sigh of relief, hopped on the bus as instructed, and ended up at parking location. And there she was. Our lovely ride for the week.

We are in Oregon! And we have a Rav4!

We are in Oregon! And we have a Rav4!

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Photo Friday: Pine Trees at the Lower Lewis River Falls, Oregon

Interesting view of some of the soaring pine trees at the Lower Lewis River Falls in Oregon.

Trees at the Lower Lewis River

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Carson Ridge Luxury Cabins

cabinHosted Accommodations



Whenever anyone describes  location as very nice but “not really fancy”, I am immediately not interested.

I like the fancy.

In fact, I love the fancy.

Bring on the fancy!

This is absolutely not a problem with the completely fabulous Carson Ridge Luxury Cabins as they have all the fancy you could possibly want.

And then some.

You might think the words luxury and cabin do not go together but at this location they do.

Believe me, they absolutely do.

When we planned our Legacy cruise with Un-Cruise Adventures on the Columbia River in October, we decided to take some extra time to see some of the Oregon area, which we had never visited. Since I am the beach lover, we included the coast but since Tom is the mountain lover, I looked for an interesting mountain location, preferably a stay in a mountain cabin. Lucky for us, I happened upon the web site for Carson Ridge Luxury Cabins and they were kind enough to work with us and arrange a stay in their perfectly exquisite Mt. Adams cabin.

I was pretty happy with our arrangements as the location online looked absolutely lovely but when we actually arrived, we realized it was going to surpass everything we had imagined. From our stay on the coast, we drove past Portland which was the embarkation point for our cruise and into Washington State through some stunningly gorgeous scenery in the Columbia River Gorge to tiny Carson, Washington. Only 45 miles east of Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington and close to incredible hiking trails, waterfalls, wine tasting, fishing, and whitewater rafting, Carson Ridge Luxury Cabins is truly in an idyllic location.

We managed to drive right past the location first as the sign is a little difficult to see but we found it on our next drive by.

Turn here for the most fabulous cabins you will ever experience!

Turn here for the most fabulous cabins you will ever experience!

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Photo Friday: Columbia River

Sunset and mountain view as we cruise along the Columbia River on our Un-Cruise Adventures trip.

Mountains and sunset on cruise

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Oregon is Pretty Damn Amazing!

Oregon slapped us in the face.

Just slapped us in the face, shook us hard, and said “You think you know Oregon? You know nothing”.

It was probably when Tom commented that the GPS couldn’t possibly be right when it said we were five minutes from the beach because geez we are in the middle of the mountains and then hey! there was the beach with the mountains literally not even stopping but just heading right down into the water that we thought huh.

Beach at Ecola State Park

Beach at Ecola State Park

We don’t know a damn thing about Oregon.

We knew to expect rain forests. We knew that. We had been to Seattle and to British Columbia and we knew Oregon was in the general vicinity and there would probably be lots of rain forests. Pretty much everywhere.

We knew Portland was a kitschy, interesting city with great food and that Oregon had a coastline but we figured pretty much everywhere else was sprawling, dark green, dense, northwest rainforest.

As they said in the movie ‘Independence Day’, “that’s not entirely accurate”.

There are, indeed, hundreds of acres of amazingly beautiful rainforests in Oregon; the Columbia River Gorge is truly one of the most gorgeous places we have ever seen with astonishingly spectacular waterfalls and a river that was gouged out from solid rock.

The Lower Lewis River waterfall

The Lower Lewis River waterfall

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