The Family-Friendly Carlbsbad Inn Beach Resort
We couldn’t believe it. Here we were in beautiful southern California, on the coast, at the beach, in the middle of summer, and the skies were gray, cloudy and downright unattractive. Surely we had caught California at an unfortunate and inopportune moment and the sun would break through at any moment, flooding the … Continue reading
Pin ItWallowing in Luxury at the Hyatt at Olive 8 in Seattle
It was when we stepped into the suite at the Hyatt at Olive 8 in Seattle that we knew. We knew we would never again, in all our travels spanning the globe, ever again have a suite quite this spectacular. When the desk clerk checked us in, she looked at the computer screen, then smiled at … Continue reading
Pin ItThe Lovely Mayflower Park Hotel in Seattle
We had packed, gathered up our luggage, and were heading out the door of our suite when Tom pointed to another door in the entrance hallway that was ajar for the first time during our stay and said “Uh. Is that another bathroom”? You all. We had just spent two days in our lovely suite at the … Continue reading
Pin ItLuxury Experience at Radisson Blu Aqua in Chicago
It was the carpet in our room that I first fell in love with at this hip, modern and absolutely cool new hotel in Chicago. It was turquoise. Bright, beautiful turquoise and the perfect complement to the ultra-modern vibe throughout the room and, indeed, throughout the entire hotel. We were only there for … Continue reading
Pin ItFabulous Luxury at Villa D’Citta in Chicago
We were in a quandary. We were on our first trip to Chicago and we really needed to get up, to get going, to see the city. However. We didn’t want to leave Villa D’Citta. In fact. We had decided we might move in and stay. Forever. We have stayed in numerous Bed … Continue reading
Pin ItDahlonega Spa Resort in Dahlonega, Georgia
The first thing you need to know about Dahlonega, Georgia aside from the fact that it is completely lovely in every way, is how to pronounce the name of the place. For quite a while, when we first made arrangements to visit, I was calling it Dahlonega, pronounced like Talladega. Luckily, before we visited this … Continue reading
Pin ItMelia Atlanta Hotel
We relaxed on the comfortable couch in the private lounge area of The Level, snacking on fabulous hot hors d’oeuvres and enjoying the incredible view of Atlanta through the floor-length windows. Just when we thought we had reached the height of being absolutely and completely spoiled, the concierge who is stationed in the lounge area came … Continue reading
Pin ItA Weekend in Nashville. Or Two.
One of the deals with being a travel writer and photographer duo who get comped stays (or really comped stay = many articles, hundreds of photos, Twitter feeds, Facebook updates, etc. So not actually FREE. Only other travel writers will understand this disclaimer) is that hotels will often only offer a 2-3 night stay even … Continue reading
Pin ItThe Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina
Seeing photos of the Grove Park Inn is absolutely nothing like seeing it in real life as it is truly one of the most fascinating and gorgeous hotels we have ever visited. We saw it for the first time on a trolley tour of Asheville before we ever checked in and to say our jaws dropped … Continue reading
Pin ItKing Charles Inn; Charleston, South Carolina
“You need to back up,” he said kindly. “Back up?” I replied, looking back at the traffic coming towards the King Charles Inn. “Yep.” He smiled. “It’s OK, there is a right turn lane and all the cars will be turning before they get here.” So we backed up and pulled into the complimentary off-street … Continue reading
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