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Author Archives: Jan Ross

A Caribbean Cruise is the real Big Easy

Sun. Sand. Shopping. These are the three most fabulous words in the English language. Oh, wait. I forgot icy frozen drink with an exotic name. More than three words but equally fabulous. Especially when consumed on the deck of a cruise ship heading to warm and exotic, palm tree covered islands. In about a week … Continue reading »

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Five Tips to Packing for a Multi-Climate Trip

The hardest trip I have ever taken was when we spent a few days in San Francisco in the spring and then flew to Hawaii. San Francisco was very cold, especially at Fisherman’s Wharf where we were staying, and Hawaii, of course, was very warm. I had to plan everything from a very, very cold … Continue reading »

Categories: San Francisco | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s All About A Fabulous Hat

I am not a hat person. I have tried. Over the years, I have bought darling straw hats in a variety of colors and designs and beautifully made knit hats with matching scarves and baseball caps and it’s all to no avail. I’m just not a hat person. I want to be. I love the … Continue reading »

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Can you hear me now?

Black Sand Beach, Hawaii, May 2010 Welcome to my new travel blog – I am so glad you are here! After two years of blogging for a travel company, I have decided to set up my own personal travel blog to write about my travels and share my other professional writing. I hope you will be … Continue reading »

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