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Author Archives: Jan Ross

Yes, you can wear that bathing suit but should you?

I tried not to visibly cringe as the rather large woman with two, no make that three rolls of pudge between the top of her bikini and the bottom strolled by the pool of my cruise ship. She was not the first woman I would see on my Caribbean cruise dressed in an inappropriate bathing … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Flying a Chopper Over the Grand Canyon

Seriously, you can’t imagine how cool I felt typing “chopper” above. As if I actually had anything to do with piloting the chopper, other than attempting to climb into the pilot’s lap when he veered a little too close to the canyon’s walls. Absolutely, without a doubt, the coolest thing we did the entire time … Continue reading »

Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

A Travel Writer’s Quandary

I forked up another bite of my barely warm dinner and finally came to the conclusion that it was inedible. Everyone in our group agreed. The service was shoddy, they were out of half the offerings on the menu and the food was just plain terrible.  This was not a restaurant to which we would … Continue reading »

Categories: Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , | 14 Comments

The Incredible Hotels of Vegas:Part Two

(You can read Part One of our Vegas Hotel experiences HERE.) After walking and walking and walking and then walking some more down Las Vegas Boulevard, we decided that we hadn’t actually walked quite enough and we needed to check out a couple more hotels. First, we needed a sustenance infusion, so we found a … Continue reading »

Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , | 10 Comments

The Incredible Hotels of Vegas:Part One

We tried not to gawk. Seriously. But this town was simply incredible. At this point, we had already seen a guy with a boa constrictor draped over his shoulders and had posed with Bumblebee.

Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Paris Las Vegas Hotel

It was deja vu all over again. We had visited Paris in November and now here we were at the Paris Hotel in Vegas, marveling at the fact that the Eiffel Tower looked exactly like the one we had just seen, albeit a trifle smaller. My expectations were honestly pretty low when it came to … Continue reading »

Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , | 10 Comments

Reasons to Travel When You Are (Sorta) Old

So I was reading this blog post on GloboTreks called “Nine Reasons to Travel When you are Young” and I thought yeah, he’s right and you should travel when you are young. I wish I had been able to travel a whole lot more when I was young. But you know what? There’s a whole … Continue reading »

Categories: Hotels, Tours | Tags: , , , | 13 Comments

Sushi Bar on Carnival Liberty

Tuna sandwich. Fried shrimp. Grilled salmon. Tilapia with a lovely lemon butter sauce. These are all seafood items I would gladly pile on my plate. But sushi? Not so much. The whole idea of consuming raw fish could not have been less appealing. Until I sailed with the Carnival Cruise Line for the first time a … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, Carnival Cruise | Tags: , , , , , , | 9 Comments

WordPress for Dummies – How To Save .pdf Documents Online

Now let me hasten to add that I do not think YOU  are a dummy. I AM the one who is a dummy. And also I thought I was being extremely clever with my title so I imagine MY CHAGRIN when I did a search and found this WordPress Users Group comes up when you … Continue reading »

Categories: Wordpress | Tags: , , , , , , | 12 Comments

The Best Kept Secret in Vegas – the Las Vegas Monorail

I sat down and slid off my sandal to check on why my bare foot was hurting and there it was – a blister. Waaay too much walking. We had walked from our fabulous and classy Paris Hotel all the way to the amazing and fascinating Luxor and I couldn’t imagine walking all that way … Continue reading »

Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , , , | 12 Comments