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Author Archives: Jan Ross

Pony Up and Find the Perfect Hairstyle

The other night, my husband came home and declared gently (he is a wise man) that it might be nice to see a hairstyle other than a pony tail on my head. Instead of getting annoyed, I sagely nodded my (pony tailed) head and figured I was lucky he was not mentioning the ubiquitous sleeping … Continue reading »

Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Engineering Marvel That is the Hoover Dam:Part Two

You know how some people are just incompetent at putting things together? That they can look at any of a number of tools and have absolutely no idea what they are or how to use them? That they might just possibly put together a high chair for their grandchild, feel totally smug, and then look … Continue reading »

Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

La cuisine est délicieuse à La Crêperie

I seriously hope you are impressed by the fact that the title of this post is in French, even though I might possibly have had to use Babylon to get the translation. OK. I did. However, I still do retain a modicum of the French I took in high school and college; enough that someone … Continue reading »

Categories: Hotels, Las Vegas, Nevada, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

A Day in Danville, Kentucky

Once a week, I hop in my car and make the 45-minute drive to Danville to visit my mom. Since I live on the south side of town, it’s easiest for me to just get on the Bluegrass, get off at the Harrodsburg exit, take the bypass around Harrodsburg and end up just outside Danville. … Continue reading »

Categories: Kentucky, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The Engineering Marvel That is the Hoover Dam:Part One

We looked up at the huge dam towering above us, quite magnificent against the bright blue sky, and simply marveled at it. We had just seen one of the most incredible natural feats of nature, the Grand Canyon, by helicopter, from a raft,and from the Skywalk and, even though this dam paled in comparison to … Continue reading »

Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , | 12 Comments

In Which I was Proved Wrong about the Carnival Liberty

I just returned from a Caribbean cruise on the Carnival Liberty where I spent the week being continuously amazed by Carnival. My expectations for this cruise were low as I considered Carnival a party cruise line with so-so service and average food. I was not overly concerned as I was cruising with a group of … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, Caribbean, Carnival Cruise, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

The Grand Canyon Skywalk

Read the first post about our Grand Canyon adventure HERE and the second one HERE, both with Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters. Still reeling from the incredible experience of seeing the Grand Canyon from the air in a helicopter and from the Colorado River in a raft, we speedily hopped up to the top of the … Continue reading »

Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Sun, Sand and Shop in the Eastern Caribbean

It’s truly amazing the Carnival Liberty made it back to shore in Miami with the load of purchases my girlfriends and I had managed to amass while cruising to several islands in the Eastern Caribbean. Fabulous meals, a wonderful spa and the marvelously comfortable “Carnival Comfort” beds made our time on the ship enjoyable and … Continue reading »

Categories: Caribbean, Carnival Cruise | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

The Capital Grille in Las Vegas

I don’t know if it was the incredible view, the impeccable service or the melt-in-your-mouth delicious food that made me think The Capital Grille was going to be our best restaurant experience in all of Las Vegas. But whichever one it was, I was correct. Perched on the third floor of the Fashion Show Mall … Continue reading »

Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada | Tags: , , , , , | 7 Comments

Rafting the Colorado River

Read the first post about our Grand Canyon adventure HERE.   I’m just going to have to be honest here and tell you that the vision conjured up by the title of this post – white water! dangerous rapids! I totally almost drowned when I was thrown from the raft! – should be tempered with … Continue reading »

Categories: Las Vegas, Nevada, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments