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Author Archives: Jan Ross

Presidential Suite at the Henderson Park Inn

This post is cross-listed at a Luxury Travel Blog. When I first contacted the Henderson Park Inn about a press visit and they said they really wanted me to stay in the Presidential Suite, I was fairly impressed. A suite is always nice and when you thrown “presidential” into the description, you know you are … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, Destin, Hotels, Resorts | Tags: , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Bistro Bijoux in Sandestin

            I poked the appetizer gingerly with my fork. Lobster spring rolls had sounded delicious when I ordered them but these were a little odd looking with the lobster tails poking up out of the spring rolls. And then I took a bite. And if lobster spring rolls with the … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, Florida, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Vancouver in 4-D

I’m just going to step over here into this teeny-tiny group of people who thought Granville Island was just OK. Yes, it had beautiful produce and some delicious-smelling food but…it was not nearly as large as we thought, there were really just a few shops and the area was kind of…well…grungy. Now that I really … Continue reading »

Categories: Tours, Vancouver | Tags: , , , , , | 6 Comments

Beautiful, Beautiful Vancouver

Unlike many of our trips where we arrive travel worn, exhausted and ready to fall into the closest bed, we arrived in Vancouver on a cruise ship with the city as our last port and strolled off casually into a typically gorgeous Vancouver day. I had been to Vancouver before but only long enough to … Continue reading »

Categories: Tours, Vancouver | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

Local Tastes of the City: San Francisco

We had coconut shrimp for the first time in Key West. In Mazatlan, we gorged on plates full of barbecued, fried and spicy shrimp. In Puerto Vallarta, we had a scallop appetizer that we still talk about – and fresh coconut ice cream. In Ireland we had freshly baked scones studded with juicy raisins. In … Continue reading »

Categories: Restaurant Reviews, San Francisco, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Victoria in a Day: What to See, What to Do, Where to Eat

My husband and I woke up to a gray, cloudy day in Victoria, B.C. but we didn’t mind. The last time we were there, we only had half a day to tour, so we were thrilled to have a whole day in this beautiful city perched on Vancouver Island, off the Pacific coast of Canada. … Continue reading »

Categories: Disney Cruise, Tours | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Another Day in Paradise: Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort

I used to think my idea of heaven on earth was staying at a fabulous resort located on a gorgeous beach where someone made my bed and left chocolates for me every night. I was wrong. My idea of heaven on earth is staying at a fabulous resort located on a gorgeous beach where someone makes … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, Destin, Florida, Hotels, Resorts, Spa | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Eating and Beaching at the Lovely Henderson Park Inn

  When I read online that the fridge in the Presidential Suite at the Henderson Park Inn  was going to be “fully stocked”, I was immediately intrigued. Fully stocked. Fully stocked. What exactly did that mean? I have had fully stocked fridges at all-inclusive resorts in Mexico and Punta Cana and fully stocked meant filled … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, Florida, Hotels, Resorts | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

The Fabulous Burrito Treatment at Silver Shells Spa in Destin

I now know how a turkey feels. Also a burrito. A turkey burrito. Let me backtrack. We just spent a completely and totally fabulous day at the Silver Shells Resort and Spa getting pampered within an inch of our lives. And we loved every second of it. My SIL had a great massage but what … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, Florida, Hotels, Resorts, Spa | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort or as I like to Call It HEAVEN ON EARTH

You ALL. Seriously. I may never come home. The Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort is quite, quite, quite fabulous. You know that I planned a spur of the moment trip to Destin and it was just luck and the kindness of the lovely folks at Sandestin that my sister-in-law and I ended up here. In paradise.

Categories: Beach, Florida, Hotels, Resorts, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments