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Author Archives: Jan Ross

Be in the Moment – You Can Write About it Later!

Two years ago about this time, we were on a wine tasting cruise with AmaWaterways through Germany. We spent a few days in Amsterdam, cruised through Germany and ended up in Paris. Every single thing we did was new to us. We had never been to Europe and never been on a river cruise so … Continue reading »

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Cruising Elkhart Lake, WI on Captain Tom’s Elkhart Queen

We both sat back and relaxed as the pontoon boat, the Elkhart Queen, was skillfully steered away from the dock by Captain Tom. Beautiful Elkhart Lake sparkled with diamonds of late afternoon sunshine and that same golden fall sunshine warmed our backs. It was the perfect start to a lovely evening in Elkhart Lake. We … Continue reading »

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Categories: Wisconsin | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

Off Road at Road America

Although I was most excited to try kayaking for the first time during our visit to the incomparable Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, Tom was most intrigued when he saw Road America listed on the itinerary we received for our press trip. And when we mentioned our trip to Elkhart Lake to two friends who are from Wisconsin, the first thing they … Continue reading »

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Categories: Wisconsin | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

Victorian Village Resort in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

When I heard Elkhart Lake described as “crystal clear”, I just shrugged my shoulders. Yeah. Whatever. I know lakes. When you swim in lakes, you might as well accept the fact that the water is going to be murky and you can’t see the lower half of your body when treading water. Which is, quite … Continue reading »

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Categories: Resorts, Wisconsin | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mountains or Beach: It’s a Never-Ending Quandary

Possibly because he had never seen the beach until we got married – don’t even get me started on how unbelievable this is – Tom is not the beach-loving fanatic that I am. My mom was born in Pensacola, Florida and we spent most vacations there my whole life so to me the proper travel … Continue reading »

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Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Weekend in Nashville. Or Two.

One of the deals with being a travel writer and photographer duo who get comped stays (or really comped stay = many articles, hundreds of photos, Twitter feeds, Facebook updates, etc. So not actually FREE. Only other travel writers will understand this disclaimer) is that hotels will often only offer a 2-3 night stay even … Continue reading »

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Categories: Hotels, Nashville, Restaurant Reviews, Tennessee | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

Top 5 Southern Seafood Dishes

You know you are in a seafood restaurant in the Coastal South when 1) the place smells like frying seafood so succulent, your tongue wants to slap your ear off; 2) the seafood was swimming free just a very short time ago; and 3) there’s probably rice in the salt shakers because of the humidity. … Continue reading »

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Categories: Restaurant Reviews, Travel + Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to Avoid Ruining a Perfectly Good Getaway

  A long, long, long, looooong time ago (35 years this past summer, to be exact), my husband and I went on our honeymoon. My poor, travel-deprived husband had never left the state of Kentucky and had never seen the ocean. As a worldly, well-traveled person myself, I found this very hard to believe. Are … Continue reading »

Categories: Travel for Boomers | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Travel Is Broadening My Mind But Also My A$$

For the last three years, we have been traveling the world as part of our full-time jobs. I write. Tom photographs. We make a great team. We have seen the Eiffel Tower, incredible cathedrals, soaring edifices erected for various Olympics, and a lighthouse perched on boulders at the edge of the sea. We have seen natural wonders … Continue reading »

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Categories: Georgia, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Gourmet Cooking Class for a Non-Gourmet Cook

I went to a gourmet cooking class recently. This statement would seem more hilarious if you knew me. My grandmother hated cooking. My mother hated cooking. I won’t say that I hate cooking, but I will tell you that I just recently figured out the correct way to make both jello and iced tea. Our … Continue reading »

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Categories: Resorts, Travel + Escape, Wisconsin | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment