Our grandson is one of my favorite people to travel with. He is the perfect companion on a kid-friendly vacation. He’s easy to please as long as some of those meals include a milkshake or some fried shrimp. He can travel for hours in the car without complaint as long as he has some form of electronic entertainment or books. He allows me to kiss and cuddle him to my heart’s content, although just recently this has to be carried out only when none of his friends are around.
Travel with grandchildren has been around as long as there have been grandparents and grandchildren, and these trips can be a complete joy, providing memories for years to come. They just require a little patience and a lot of planning. Here’s how to undertake the perfect trip with your grandchild.
Involve the parents. Whether the parents will be going on the trip and making it a family vacation or will let you take their precious darling on a getaway alone, the parents will want to be involved in planning. Make sure the dates and the location you are thinking about will work for them, talk about plans for activities while you are traveling, and ask for suggestions about everything from how long the trip should be to where they might like to have some meals to what activities sound like fun. Akid-friendly hotel should be one of your first considerations.
Read the rest of this article on Minitime.com HERE.
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