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Getaway to the Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms, South Carolina

Posted by on February 3, 2014

Beach WalkwayIt’s no wonder I had never heard of Isle of Palms before our girlfriends getaway. A tiny barrier island of only about 6 square miles, it is tucked neatly against the South Carolina coast, separated from the mainland by the Intracoastal Waterway. Technically considered part of the Charleston metropolitan area and only a short 30 minute drive away, this lovely little gem hosts about 4,000 inhabitants, shops, restaurants, and an array of gorgeous homes for both full-time residents and vacationers who have kept this beautiful place a secret for years. But the true jewel in the crown of this fabulous location is the expansive and wonderful Wild Dunes Resort, the perfect place for a getaway.

Long considered Charleston’s Island Resort, much as Tybee Island is consider Savannah’s beach, Wild Dunes Resort is a great place to stay if you want to visit Charleston but also have access to a beautiful beach area – the best of both worlds! I love a resort which offers an assortment of accommodations as there are so many different types of travelers and getaways and this resort offers rooms and suites, condos and beach house rentals. You can stay pool-side, beach-side, court-side, or course-side; just take your pick.

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