Many years ago when I had children, the concept of a “babymoon” had yet to come about. Now, babymoons are all the rage with young, expectant couples planning that one last lovely fling before they settle down to diaper changing and sleepless nights. Here are 10 tips for planning the perfect babymoon.
1. Go early
You don’t want to go into labour on your babymoon, so a trip during your first or second trimester is your best bet. Many airlines won’t let you fly when you are further along anyway, and even a long car trip is not a great idea when you are toting that protruding tummy. Besides, by the end of the pregnancy, you may start to feel more animosity than affection towards the man who got you into this condition, which doesn’t bode well for a romantic getaway.
Read the rest of this article on Travel + Escape HERE.
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