I was preparing some corn for dinner the other night and I started wishing I had some of the incredibly delicious sweet corn you can order at The Crab Shack on Georgia’s Tybee Island. I don’t know where they get that corn, why it is so sweet, or how they prepare it that makes it so good, but it is the best corn on the cob I have ever eaten.
And this got me to thinking about some of the great food I’ve enjoyed this summer. Soon I’d come up with a list that I want to share with my fellow Baby Boomers. The food was wonderful and the locations where it was devoured added immeasurably to the experiences.
If you are ever traveling or vacationing anywhere near these locations, stop by and have a meal. You will be so happy that you did. And that’s a promise.
Read the rest of this article on Travel for Boomers HERE.
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