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Search Results for: niagara falls

The Red Coach Inn, Niagara Falls

A version of this article also appeared on HERE. The same article without photos appeared on A Luxury Travel Blog HERE.   It was the huge jacuzzi tub that captivated me. Everything else about this completely fabulous suite at the Red Coach Inn in Niagara Falls was overwhelmingly wonderful, but after a long day … Continue reading »

Categories: Hotels, New York, Restaurant Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Niagara Falls: Two Sides of a Coin

Niagara Falls. Honeymoons, hokey family vacations, maybe that movie with Marilyn Monroe. That’s what most people think of when you mention Niagara Falls. My own memories of Niagara Falls include a visit when I was 16 with a girlfriend and a vague memory of the falls. That’s it. And my husband had never even seen … Continue reading »

Categories: New York | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

The Best New Way to Book a Hotel: Yonderbound

Because our careers are now writing and photographing travel destinations, we spend a lot of time in a variety of accommodations. A comfortable, clean, and preferably unique and interesting location to stay is very important to us. So, when we make plans for a trip, we always read online reviews and try to find the … Continue reading »

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Categories: Yonderbound | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Accommodations Reviews: Bed and Breakfasts

“May you live in interesting times” is considered to be an ancient Chinese curse – “interesting” is subject to so many different interpretations, you see. But we always choose to stay in interesting places when we travel. Luxury hotels, historic inns, friendly Bed and Breakfasts, unique boutique hotels tucked away with only a small sign on the … Continue reading »

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Accommodations Reviews: Hotels

“May you live in interesting times” is considered to be an ancient Chinese curse – “interesting” is subject to so many different interpretations, you see. But we always choose to stay in interesting places when we travel. Luxury hotels, historic inns, friendly Bed and Breakfasts, unique boutique hotels tucked away with only a small sign on the … Continue reading »

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The Lovely Mayflower Park Hotel in Seattle

We had packed, gathered up our luggage, and were heading out the door of our suite when Tom pointed to another door in the entrance hallway that was ajar for the first time during our stay and said “Uh. Is that another bathroom”? You all. We had just spent two days in our lovely suite at the … Continue reading »

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Categories: Hotels, Restaurant Reviews, Seattle | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

All the Cool Kids are Doing It: A 2011 Retrospective

This has been a truly, truly wonderful year. It didn’t start out that way. Sometime last January, I got punched in the stomach with the news that the travel company I was writing for was doing away with the travel blog I had painstakingly designed and maintained for almost two years. Not only did they … Continue reading »

Categories: Beach, BlogHer, Caribbean, Destin, Disney Cruise, Florida, Girlfriends Getaway, Hotels, NCL Cruise, New York, Resorts, Restaurant Reviews, San Francisco, Tours, Vancouver | Tags: | 6 Comments

Nolita (North of Little Italy), New York City

Check out my review of the Nolitan Hotel on my site HERE. Apparently, we ate a lot when we were in New York, judging from the photos I just sorted through. There are an exorbitant number of photos of food, places to purchase food, and restaurants. This should not surprise you, if you have … Continue reading »

Categories: Hotels, New York | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

Accommodations Reviews

May you live in interesting times” is considered to be an ancient Chinese curse – “interesting” is subject to so many different interpretations, you see. But we always choose to stay in interesting places when we travel. Luxury hotels, historic inns, friendly Bed and Breakfasts, unique boutique hotels tucked away with only a small sign on the … Continue reading »

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Drenched and Exhilarated on The Maid of the Mist

Anticipating a light mist – after all the name of the boat is The Maid of the Mist – I was shocked to get a spray in the face from the falls that would have drenched me from head to foot if I hadn’t been wearing the provided slicker. I thought those were just for … Continue reading »

Categories: New York, Tours | Tags: , , | 6 Comments